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Fun fact:I'm running out of facts! :D


Geckopuddle stood on a small stump,appointing patrols. "Mintsong take Cinnamonstripe and Gingerpaw to the field and see what you can find."

Mintsong gathered her patrol,and we headed out toward the field.

"Be careful,Gingerpaw,"She meowed. "We are exposed in the field,stay down in the grass and focus on hunting."

I nodded,crawling through the grassy field.

The rocks scratched against my fur as I crawled along the ground.

I sniffed,smelling mouse everywhere.

Suddenly there was a growl of satisfaction,and Mintsong's head popped up,a plump mouse swinging in her jaws.

She added her mouse to a pile,making it two mice.

Cinnamonstripe had already caught a mouse!?

Focusing my scenses,I pinpointed a scrawny, gray mouse, so hungry it was oblivious to me stalking it.It was hungrily scrambling at the grass,looking for something to eat.

I bunched my muscles,then leapt onto it,killing it swiftly.

I grabbed it and put it with the others,smiling at the fact we had five mice already.

Heading back into the field I heard a cry in the air.Glancing up I spotted a large bird circling above me.

I heard Mintsong's voice calling to me on the other side of the field.
"Gingerpaw,Come back! Cinnamonstripe,Come back!!"

Then I felt talons grasping into my sides,and I gasped as I was lifted into the air.

I screeched,wriggling and clawing desperately at whatever I could.

The eagle dropped me,and I landed on the ground awkwardly,and staggered to gain balance.

I leapt onto it,biting into its wing and ripping its feathers out cluster by cluster.

It started flapping its other wing,so I bit that one too.

The eagle threw me off,and started pecking me with its beak.

Then a flash of reddish brown fur flew through the air and landed on the eagle.

"Cinnamonstripe! Thank you!"I gasped,getting up and aiming swipes at the eagle.

Mintsong finally found us,and started battling it with us.

Soon the eagle was tired and collapsed on the ground,all three of us piling on it.

Standing back,Mintsong came over to me and inspected me. "Oh,you're alright! Thank StarClan.Now let's get the mice back home."

I blinked at her. "Aren't we taking the eagle?"

Mintsong looked at me like I had two heads. "No,it's too heavy,and who wants to eat it?"

"But,we can't waste it!"I yowled.

"Fine.If you can carry it home,you can have it."Then she picked up half of the mice and started back,Cinnamonstripe grabbing the rest and following her.

I grabbed ahold of the eagle's leg,and started pulling it.

"Great StarClan this is heavy!"I breathed hard,but kept pulling anyway.


As we entered the camp all the cats gathered outside stared in awe at the eagle I was carrying.

"Wow! Did you catch that!?"Silverpaw asked,standing beside it. "It's bigger than me!"

"Yea! It attacked me in the field and we defeated it!"I dropped the eagle leg,flopping on the ground. "It was insanely hard to carry all the way back."I admitted.

Hornetstar padded out of his den,pride gleaming in his eyes. "Good job,Gingerpaw."

Mintsong dropped the mice on the pile. "She did do most of it,you should've seen her! I think she is ready to become a Warrior."The she-cat dipped her head.

"Frostpool!!"Hornetstar called to the white furred tom,that was lying in the sun watching them.He got to his paws,leaving his mate in the sun.

"Yes?"He asked as he halted beside us.

"Do you think Gingerpaw is ready to become a Warrior?"

My heart sped up as I watched my mentor expectingly.

He squinted his eyes. "Yes,"He meowed. "She is doing an amazing job: learning everything she can,training hard.She is ready."

Hornetstar smiled. "Then today,we shall hold your assessment,and by tonight,you may be a warrior."


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