Chapter twenty-nine

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Today was our one month. It was weird, really weird. I had known Luke for a while now, but we had only been together for a month.

It felt so much longer.

The time we had together always felt long and I never wanted it to end. I couldn't have it end. I was too in love with the moments we had together.

My fingers reached for my mascara, nervously picking it up. I was getting ready to go see Luke, but he of course didn't know. I wanted to surprise him.

Usually, it's the guy who surprises the girl, but me being me.. I wanted to change it up a bit.

I applied my mascara, then took a q-tip to erase any that got on my eyelid. I hated when that happened.

I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair, trying my best to look presentable. I wasn't very good at doing that anymore.

I sighed and sat the brush down, gripping the island of the sink. I needed to calm down. All I was gonna do is give him his gift and take him out to dinner, that's it. I didn't want it to be too much for our anniversary.

I turned off the light as I left the bathroom, heading into my bedroom and skipping on my sandals. I looked in the mirror one last time and checked out my outfit.

It was warm today, so I had on a cute tank top that had lace on it and a pair of shorts. I had shaved my legs this morning just in case Luke and I did something tonight. I couldn't wait to know what it was.

I grabbed my purse and my phone, leaving my bedroom and heading downstairs. I told my mom I was borrowing her car earlier, so I grabbed her keys and left.

The drive to his house made me anxious, and I had his gift in the passenger seat beside me. It was tickets to All Time Low, I had saved up money for the two of us to go. I knew Luke was gonna like it, but I didn't know how he would react.

In my head, I imagined his smile being huge and wide as he pulled it out of the card I got him. I imagined his tall body running towards me and wrapping his long arms around my body. He would kiss me and tell me he loved me over and over again.

Or, it'd turn out bad. He'd kind of just stare at me and tell me it was an okay gift, that it could be better, but I don't see Luke doing that to me. He was way too nice.

When I pulled into Luke's driveway, my eyebrows pushed together when I saw an unknown car in his driveway. I shrugged, thinking it was probably just one of their many friends and grabbed the gift and got out. I nervously sighed and locked the car doors, walking towards his front door.

I knocked on the door, patiently waiting for someone to come answer. When no one did, I knocked again, louder this time. It took a good two minutes before someone opened the door.

Calum stood there, in his hand was a beer and when I looked at his face, I watched it flush. I raised an eyebrow and frowned.

"You okay, Cal?" I asked softly, stepping in.

"Yeah," he coughed. "I didn't know you'd be coming by today.."

"Why wouldn't I?" I giggled. "Today is Luke and I's one month." I smiled widely.

"Is it really?" he asked. He looked uncomfortable and kept glancing at the stairs. "I don't think Luke is awake."

I raised an eyebrow again, chuckling. "It's 3 in the afternoon. I'm pretty sure he's awake."

I began to walk towards the stairs until Calum grabbed my arm gently, pulling me back. "I don't think you should go up there."

I looked down at his hand that wrapped around my arm before looking back up at his face. He looked guilty of something and it made me scared.

I pulled away from him, staring at him weirdly, and began walking up the steps.

"Cazy, please." He was begging, but at the same time it was like he wanted me to go up there. "You really shouldn't."

I still kept going though and eventually reached the top of the stairs. Luke's door was in my eyesight and I had completely forgotten about the gift in my hand. I was more worried about why Calum didn't want me to come upstairs.

I walked closer to his room as quiet as I could. When I finally got close enough, I heard a female voice.

"Luke," she panted. "I missed you so much."

"I know, Toby."

Toby? The Toby? Toby is a girl?

I felt my heart began to break as I listened to the sounds coming from the room. Moans, swears, an "I love you". Tears swelled up into my eyes but I still continued to walk towards his room.

My hand reached for the door knob and before I could process what I was doing, the door was opened and all I could see was Luke on top of a girl I had never seen before, and they were fucking. The gift in my hand fell, and both of their eyes directed towards me.

I only looked at Luke as the tears ran down my face. He looked at me, eyes wide and his face red.

"Cazy.. I can explain." He started, but I didn't let him finish. I slammed the door shut and ran downstairs, pushing passed Calum and rushing towards my moms car. I wanted to leave. Now.

I could hear Luke screaming my name as I ran out of the house, and I was surprised to see him standing at my moms car window, banging and begging for me to open up.

Tears were still running down my face as I started up the car, the banging still continued. My heart was completely shattered.

I looked over at Luke one last time, seeing the worry and guilt in his eyes. I started the car and drove off, almost running over his feet but I didn't care. He deserved to be hit by a car.

I drove away, having Luke chase me for a good five minutes before he gave up.

What did I do to deserve this? Why me?

I have no excuse for why I haven't updated in so long. other than that I just suck as a person. oops.

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