Chapter Thirty-Six

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"You really need to talk to Em, Cazy." My mum said softly as I followed behind her with a shopping cart. "It's not fair that you're not talking to her over this. It's been two weeks."

"It's not fair that she didn't tell me about Luke, mum. She can wait until I'm ready to speak to her." I huffed, picking up a bag of chips and throwing it into the basket. My mom gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"What if she eventually gets tired of waiting and just gives up?"

"Then that'll be on her, I don't care." I continued to push the basket down the aisle, looking at all the bags of chips. I was so hungry.

"You care. I know you do. You're just still being stubborn about it."


My mum sighed, walking over to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Baby, you've taken enough time to forgive her. Just talk to her."

"Why're you so eager to get me to talk to her?" I pushed her off.

"Because her parents keep texting me and informing me that Emily comes home crying. When they ask her why, she gives them a cold shoulder and just mumbles your name."

"I doubt it's that bad." I chuckled. "She wouldn't cry over me."

"Do you really think she wouldn't?"

"I know she wouldn't, mum."

My mum shook her head and pulled a strand of hair behind her ear as she looked down at her list. She let out a sigh before walking out of the aisle and into the next one. I followed, bored out of my mind.

"So, Luke lives with his parents now?"

I shrugged. "Just his mum."

My mum nodded, looking at the spices. "Do you think he'll come back any time soon?"

"Who cares?"

I was getting tired of the questions. I just wanted to be at home, curled in bed, and watching old episodes of House on Netflix. My life had become nothing but Netflix recently. I even stopped answering all of my texts from everyone except my parents.

"You do."

I rolled my eyes again, shaking my head. "Stop asking me stupid questions, just hurry up so we can go home."

"Okay, okay. Sorry Caz."


My body was so warm from being wrapped in my covers and I was so tired, but I couldn't fall asleep. I had to finish this episode.

It was probably about one in the morning, and this show was so entertaining. Why did I enjoy House so much?

My attention was dragged towards my phone as it started to ring. I raised my eyebrows and looked down at it.

Ashton :~)

Why was Ashton calling me? At one in the morning?


"Cazy, it's so good to hear your voice."

I didn't say anything.


"I'm here. What do you want?"

"What're you doing right now?" There was a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Laying in bed.. Why?"

Ashton sighed into the phone, I could tell he sounded frustrated. "I miss having my favorite cousin around, Cazy. How long are you gonna stay mad at me?"

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