Chapter two

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“Is that really you?” Luke snickered beside Ashton, which turned into an adorable loud laugh.

“Yes, Luke. That’s really me.” Ashton said, giving him a look and rolling his eyes, but still smiled.

I ran a hand through my hair and played with the ends, giving myself a distraction from looking at my own embarrassing videos and pictures. In some pictures, I literally had cheeks that were so big, it looked like I had two meatballs on each side. I nearly hit myself for it.

Luke, though, found it completely adorable. He would always let out an ‘aww, you were so cute’ every time he saw something of me. I wanted to hit him and tell him to stop, but I only rolled my eyes and shook my head, trying to ignore him.

Occasionally every time he did it, I blushed, but I hoped to God he didn’t notice. But, he probably did. I usually got really red when I blushed and it was certainly noticeable, no matter how much makeup I wore.

The home videos and pictures ended soon, and it was nearly time for everyone to leave. I would be saying goodbye to all of my family members and hiding myself away in that bedroom just so I could avoid Luke or Ashton (Mostly Luke. He made my palms sweat and my face red.)

“We’re leaving earlier, gotta head out to the other families house.” My big brother said to me, giving me a hug.

“Alright, I’ll see you whenever then?” We pulled away from each other.

“Yeah, I’ll probably be over in a week or so.” He said back. I nodded.

“Nice seeing you,” Karen, his wife said to me, and gave me a hug. “You should come over soon and see our new puppy! You’d love him. Jake misses you, too.”

“I’ll try to come over whenever I can,” I gave her a smile after I let go of her. “And tell my little Jake I miss him too.”

Jake was my little black lab that I grew up with. We couldn’t keep him anymore nor our other dog, Buster who was a brown lab, because they would dig holes in the backyard and my dad was tired of always filling them in. So I missed Jake and cried for like thirty minutes when we gave him away. But at least I still get to see him.

“I will.” She gave me a smile, and then they said their goodbyes to everyone before leaving.

Next to leave was my parents; I knew that my dad was going to die if he stayed any longer. So they said their goodbyes and then left.

And then the rest all starting leaving, making me more tired of hugging people. But once it was over, I told my grandmother goodnight and left to go back into the bedroom I was staying in.

I shut the door and then locked it, just in case either of the boys walks in on me.

I stripped from the clothes I had on into some Pj’s, letting a sigh out of my mouth as I fell back onto the bed. I pulled out my phone and texted Emily, letting her tell me how thanksgiving went at her boyfriend’s house and her house too.

I envied her. I was so jealous of her. She had this perfect little skinny body that she never had to work on and could fit into anything and could wear anything and totally pull it off. Her boyfriend, I would never tell her this, but he was a gorgeous guy. He looked like he belonged in some underwear ad or something. I was so damn jealous of the little skinny girl I grew up with.

“Caaaz?” Ashton sang on the other side of the door, knocking a few times.

“Yes?” I replied, too lazy to get up.

“Come watch a movie with Luke and I.” Ashton begged through the door. “Please.”

I sighed, looking down at my phone for the time. It was ten.

“Pleaaaaseee.” Another voice said through the door, and I’m positive it was Luke.

I looked down at my outfit and shrugged. “Alright, give me a minute.”

I heard Ashton say “Yay!” and a chuckle from Luke, and then their footsteps from them walking away from the door.

I stood up and looked in the mirror before putting my hair into a messy bun. Then I grabbed one of the soft blankets my grandmother always put at the ends of her beds. I exited my bedroom, leaving my phone and heading towards the movie room of my grandmother’s house.

Luke and Ashton were looking through movies on Netflix when I entered the room, and when Luke noticed I was in there he shot me a smile. I did the same back before falling onto one of the couches, the blanket wrapped around my body completely.

Ashton sat on the floor in front of the TV with Luke, leaving me completely by myself in the back.

“Wanna watch a scary movie?” Ashton asked me, turning his body to look at me.

Luke did the same, causing me to blush. I ignored his gaze and nodded my head.

I wasn’t very fond of scary movies(I was a complete baby) and I knew that I would be scared as hell. I hated that I left my phone now, because I couldn’t distract myself from scary parts now.

“You wanna sit down here with us, Cazy? You might get scared sitting up there alone.” Ashton teased, his eyes looking back at me. He had a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be fine.”

“That’s what you said last time, but okay.” Ashton said making Luke chuckle.

I glared at the back of his head, mentally flicking him off because I was too lazy to actually do it.

After a while of debating and asking me which movie to watch, we decided on watching Insidious 2. I’d seen the movie before, but with Emily snuggled up to me and both of us nearly pissing ourselves.

The movie started and I was already scared. I had the blanket held up to my eyes, the room we were in was completely dark and I kept glancing over at the doorway, seeing complete darkness. I could hear Ashton munching on popcorn, a laugh coming out of his mouth every time a squeal left mine.

Forty five minutes later I’m scared as fuck and debating if I should get up and sit down there with them. I knew there was about to be another jump scare, I just knew it. It had been so long since I’ve seen this movie but I could feel it coming.

And it did.

And I screamed like a little bitch.

I pushed myself off of the couch with the blanket wrapped around my body and my feet leading me towards anyone it could. I landed on the person, burying my head into their chest. I hopped it was Ashton, but I knew that it wasn’t. I could tell by the way he smelled. And boy, did he smell good.

I felt his body shaking from laughing as he wrapped his arm around my body. Ashton was laughing next to him, too. I felt like such a baby. But I could not sit there by myself any longer.

After a minute or so and I had calmed down, I crawled off of Luke and sat next to him, pulling my knees up to my chest.

“I hate scary movies,” I whined. “So. So. Much.”

Luke and Ashton laughed beside me. I hoped that Luke didn’t find it weird that I had just crawled on him like a little kid. Oh my god.

When the movie was almost over, I found myself squeezing my eyes shut. Too scared to leave them open. Another jump scare happened and out of instinct, I grabbed Luke’s hand, squeezing it and my eyes shut.

I don’t think he minded.

Because after I stopped squeezing his hand and was about to let go of his hand, he slid his hand into mine properly and intertwined our fingers. I knew that I was blushing, and I was so glad it was dark.

“It’s okay, I got you.” He whispered into my ear, and I felt my heart melt.

Luke Hemmings was entirely dreamy and I wanted to hold his hand forever.


sOOOOO luke is so cute it's literally killing me like if i was her i would have like kissed the fuck out of him idk lmfao but hi i hope you liked this shitty chapter ily xo 

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