Chapter Thirty-One

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I stared at the girl before me, looking at her face, shocked. How was I supposed to react? Toby was standing right in front of me.

"I..uh.." She stuttered, at lost of words as she stared at me. She didn't know how to react either.

I felt the tears form in my eyes, I don't want to cry. Not in front of her. I felt like I was going to throw up. Maybe I should throw up on her.

"Did you know about me?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. "Did you know that I was also there, spending time with Luke? Hanging out with Luke? Fucking falling for Luke?"

Toby looked down at her feet, wiggling her toes. She slowly shook her head. "No, I didn't. I wondered where all of his time went, now I see why he would never answer my calls or texts anymore."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How long did you know Luke?"

"Over a year or two." Her voice was really quiet and I couldn't help to realize how pretty Toby was. No wonder Luke like her.

Toby was a little taller than I was, but she also had a little bit of more meat. I wasn't saying she was big, but she was "thick". Her butt was huge and she had huge boobs that hung out of her shirt almost. She had long hair that reached her butt and a nice pair of hazel eyes. Her freckles just added to how pretty she was. I really wanted to just throw up now.

"Cazy?" A voice sung. "Where are you?" I recognized it as Emily.

I looked back at Em, letting a tear fall down my face. I felt my stomach began to turn as I saw who was walking behind her. He was looking down at a thing of bread and didn't even notice me as he walked up at Toby.

"Is this the right bread?" He asked. His voice sounded so sad and it nearly made me crumble. His eyes never looked up at me, or even Toby.

"Um.. Luke.." Toby said quietly and then he finally looked up at her.

"You little cheating asshole!" Emily shouted, shoving Luke into Toby.

Toby fell to the ground and Luke fell beside her, groaning.

"What-" He began, until he looked up at me. "Cazy.."

"So, you're grocery shopping with your little slut now?" Emily asked, giving both of them bad looks.

"Emily, stop.." I choked out, grabbing her arm. "Can we leave, please?"

"Not until I give this dickhead a piece of my mind," she muttered. "You're a piece of trash Luke."

"Why're you speaking like this to me now?" Luke growled, suddenly mad. "When Ashton told you about Toby and you confronted me you weren't saying any of this bullshit."

"Because you told me it was over! You said you ended it so I let it go!" Emily shouted. So many people were looking at all four of us.

I looked at Emily, trying to process the fact that she knew about Toby. She knew all about him cheating but she didnt bother to tell me? What a friend.

"I couldn't end it.." Luke said softly. He looked up at me. "I love Cazy, I really do. But deep down I still love Toby."

Ouch. I felt my heart going through a roller-coaster with his words. He loved Toby? That wasn't a surprise.

"You're such a fucking jerk, Luke. C'mon Cazy, let's go." Emily, reaching for my hand.

I backed away quickly, trying to see her through all of my tears. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Wha.. Why not?" She asked softly.

"Why not?" I scoffed. "You knew all about him cheating and you didn't tell me. What kind of friend are you?"

"Cazy.." Emily reached for me again.

"Don't." I sobbed. "I'm leaving."

I shoved past everyone and ran outside, thinking of who to call.

I pulled my phone out and called my mom. No answer.

I began to get frustrated when I called Ashton and he didn't answer either.

I decided to try Michael. No answer.

What the hell? Where was everyone?

I called Calum.

"Hello?" He answered on the second ring and I let out a sigh.

"Calum? Can you please come pick me up?"

"Um, yeah. Where are you?"

"At that grocery store by my house. Come quick, please."

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I looked behind me and sat down on the concrete, looking at the people walking by me. I wondered what they thought about the crying girl sitting in front of a grocery store.

I looked down at my phone and scrolled through my apps. I needed to distract myself.

Luke, Toby, and Emily were all inside and I didn't want to talk to any of them. I felt so betrayed. By Emily the most.

I locked my phone and tried to wipe away the tears and snot on my face. I was such a mess. I knew coming out of my house would be a huge mistake.

"Cazy?" I heard someone call my name and I looked to my left to see Luke standing there and looking at me.

"Go away." I sniffled.

"No.. Cazy, you don't know how sorry I am. I didn't mean for this to happen." Luke walked towards me and began to sit down. As soon as he did I got back up, wiping away the dirt on my pants.

"Please, just go away."

Luke let out a sigh as he got back up, he came towards me and tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Don't fucking touch me."

Where was Calum? I needed to him to be here. I don't wanna be anywhere near Luke. I don't wanna hear his apologies. They're all bullshit.

"Cazy.." He looked hurt.

"No, Luke. Don't try to act like you're the hurt one here. You didn't just get your heart broken because someone cheated on you. Get away from me."

"I know, I have no right to. But you don't know how much it hurts to know that I hurt you.." I saw his eyes begin to form tears.

"Then you shouldn't have fucking done it."

Right as I turned, Calum's car pulled up in front of me and he hopped out of his car quickly. He went around the car and stepped in front of Luke.

"What're you doing here?" Luke asked, his eyebrows pushed together in confusion.

"Cazy called me to pick her up. C'mon, let's go." Calum opened the door for me, letting me get in. He shut the door and quickly went to the other side.

"Don't you dare try anything, Calum. I know about your little crush on her." Luke said through gritted teeth. I had never seen someone's emotions change so quickly.

"She's not yours anymore, so why does it matter?" I felt my heart flutter. What was happening now? "No promises though, mate."

Calum opened his car door and got into the drivers seat, starting the car again. He drove off as soon as Luke began to reach for the door that was separating me from him. I looked at Luke through the rear view mirror, watching him punch the side of the store. I let out a short sigh, letting Calum drive me home.

I needed a bubble bath and to watch another series of something on Netflix.

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