Chapter Twenty-Three

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“Cazy. . . Cazy, baby, wake up.”

I opened my eyes to see Luke sitting in front of me on the floor, his fingers poking my nose over and over again. I almost smiled, but then groaned and immediately held my head. It didn’t feel very good.

Luke chuckled softly, licking his lips. “Head hurt?”

I nodded, groaning again. “Why did you have to wake me?”

Luke smiled at me and showed me his phone, pointing at the time. “It’s almost three, you need to wake up.”

“I don’t need to wake up.” I groaned, pouting out my lips and holding the blankets close up to my body. “I don’t want to.”
“I know you don’t want to, but I’m bored and I wanna go do something.”

“I don’t wanna go anywhere, Luke. My head hurts.”

“Which is why, my love, I have this medicine and a cup of water for you.” Luke smiled at me, pointing to the water and medicine on his nightstand.

I glared at him playfully before sitting up slowly and taking the medicine, gulping it down with the water. I couldn’t wait for the medicine to start working.

Luke stood and then took a seat next to me, his hand finding it’s way onto my back. He began to rub my back gently, calming me.

“I wanna go get something to eat, so get dressed in whatever you can find of mine and I’ll meet you downstairs.” Luke kissed my temple before getting up and leaving me in his room by myself.


“Luke, I don’t want to go anywhere fancy, okay? I’m in your sweats and your t-shirt. I look like crap.”

“You look beautiful, Cazy. But I don’t plan on going anywhere fancy right now, we’re just going to that diner so don’t worry.” Luke smiled over at me, watching my face turn red.

I wasn’t use to his compliments at all. It still all shocked me that I had someone as perfect as he was. He made my heart skip three beats and my knees weak. I was so lucky.

Luke’s hand found its way towards my thigh, and he rested it there as he drove. He rubbed it gently, causing my stomach to do millions of flips.

My mind drifted to last night, how I threw myself on him. How could have I possibly remembered that? Maybe because it was so embarrassing. He rejected me and I couldn’t believe that.

The good thing, though, was that he only rejected me because I wasn’t sober. If it were any other guy that wasn’t like Luke, I’d probably not be a virgin right now.

It made me wonder if Luke would’ve actually wanted that if I was sober. We’d been together for like a day basically but we’ve known each other for so long. Would it even be classified as okay if we did do anything like that?

Luke pulled me out of my thoughts when he removed his hand and turned the car off. Our small diner barely having a couple people like always.

We both got out of his car, heading inside and taking a seat at a table. A lady came over and gave us two menus, asking us for our drinks, and then walking away.

“So,” Luke cleared his throat, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands. “Do you remember last night at all?”

I looked at Luke’s blue eyes, blushing slightly, but nodding. “Yeah, some.”

“Do you remember what happened. . . in the bathroom?” He said the last part in a quieter tone, not wanting anyone else to hear our business. It was really quiet in here today.

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