Chapter Thirty-Four

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"So, where are we going?" I asked the tall boy who sat in the drivers seat next to me, looking down at my phone. I wanted to text Luke so badly, but I knew I wasn't supposed to.

"You'll see." He smiled over at me and turned up the radio.

"Are you gonna take me on some cheesy date with rose pedals and shit like that?"

Calum chuckled, his eyes squinting some as he did. "No, Cazy. I'm saving that for later." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. A new message alert went off on my phone and I looked down. It was Emily.

can we talk?

I laughed as I looked down at it. She wanted to talk? About what? How she knew Luke was going behind my back and she didn't tell me?

I sounded like a hypocrite. Calum knew about Toby. But Calum also wasn't my best friend for years so it was easier to forgive him. It didn't feel like he went behind my back.

"Who was it?" Calum asked, peeking over at me.


"Oh? What'd she say?"

Calum had known about what happened, I told him half way through the movie. He felt bad for me and he almost left because he thought I hated him.

"She wants to talk." I locked my phone and set it down, not wanting to hold it anymore.

"Are you going to speak with her?" He asked softly, looking at the signs on the road as we passed them.

"I don't know.." I sighed. "I feel like so shitty that she didn't tell me about Luke and that girl."

"I didn't tell you either, but here you are, in a car with me."

"That's different."


"You weren't my best friend for years, you were Luke's so I kind of understand why you didn't tell me. If Ashton was cheating on her, I'd call her in a heartbeat and tell her."

It was hard to think of what to do with this. I didn't know how to feel. Calum had a point, but I didn't think of it as bad as what Em did to me. She should've told me so I could've been hurt a long time ago instead of right now.

"Maybe she was trying to protect you. Luke did tell all of us that he ended it, so maybe she thought she was protecting your feelings because she thought you and Luke were meant for each other."

"Do you think that?" I asked Calum, watching his face go blank as soon as the words left my mouth.

He stopped at a red light and let his hands fall on his lap. His eyes focused on the road, but I could tell that he didn't like what I had asked.

"Cazy, you clearly know that I like you. So, you have to know that I don't want you with anyone but me." He put his hands back on the steering wheel and sighed, beginning to drive. "But yes, I think you two were meant for each other. As much as I think Luke is a douche bag, I could tell that you two were really perfect together."

"If we were perfect together then why'd he cheat on me?" I mumbled very quietly, I wasn't even sure if Calum heard me.

We didn't say anything after that, just listened to the music that came out of his radio. I didn't mind the silence. It was better because I didn't have to force myself to listen to any conversation.

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