darker intentions

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As Sakiko was unconscious, she dreamt of a better life.

A life where they were living in a house that was bigger than they needed. A room to herself and a yard where she could run without worry. Even a dog that would be a forever friend.

A life where Nanami was by her side.

A life where she wasn't afraid to call Daryl 'dad'.

A life where she could openly tell Ryan just what he meant to her and maybe.. Just maybe they could carve out their own idea of a family.

A life where she was safe. A life where everyone was happy.

As her eyes flutter open, she's met with the metal roof of the train car- reality slapping her in the face.

"Hey.. Are you okay?" A delicate voice asks.

Her guard rises as she meets the eyes of the unfamiliar woman, reaching for her knives that weren't by her side anymore.

Then, she remembers that this woman is just as much of a prisoner as she is. There was a reason she was in here, after all.

Slowly, Sakiko nods and the woman lets out a breath of relief.

"I'm Emma," the girl introduces before pointing to the man that stood across from them, "That's Dean."

"Sakiko," Sakiko names shortly.

Emma helps Sakiko sit up and Sakiko's eyes inspect the train car carefully.

Then, her eyes trail to the jacket that was around her shoulders. The one that Daryl had given Nanami for the twins' birthday..

"They took him," Dean says.

"Took.. 'him'?" Sakiko questions, wondering how the jacket had made it back to her.

"Nanami. He said you're his sister," Emma explains.

Sakiko could feel another rush of dizziness, questioning which was the dream and what was real.

Nanami really was in the train car? He was alive?

But, that's impossible. Daryl said Nanami was killed by Woodbury soldiers- a sacrifice so the others could make it back with the medical supplies that saved her life.

Daryl himself had told her that he was the one to bring his body back and bury him.

"I'm not too sure what these people are.. But, I don't trust their intentions any," Dean says, walking to the doorway of the train car.

"How long was I out? What happened?" Sakiko asks.

"A few hours. They came the first crack of dawn this morning and took Na, Sam, Brandon, and Theo," Dean names of the members of their group.

"Any idea where?" Sakiko questions, pulling herself to her feet.

"Nah, couldn't see that far out."

Sakiko takes a deep breath, stepping where Dean was so she could also look outside the crack in the door. She couldn't freak out right now, she had to stay calm and figure out a plan.

The only thing she could see was the empty courtyard and then another train car further down the lot.

Train car 'A'.


Daryl's eyes were wild as he was dragged into a side building by the people of Terminus. He tried to the best of his ability to scan each area they passed in search of Sakiko.

Once inside, he and Glenn were placed side by side as Glenn was doing just the same in search of Ryan. While in the train car, Daryl had explained to Maggie and Glenn that Hershel and Ryan were outside- all hoping they would stay out there now that Terminus' true colors were being shown.

Daryl was looking back to Alex's body that was being cut on- questioning how people could be so sick.

Sawing up strangers for a meal, horrid.

But, there was something about how easily Gareth made the same call for his brother that made Daryl's skin crawl.

Glenn grunted something through his gag, nudging Daryl's shoulder roughly.

Daryl looks over, hearing someone else mutter a sound that seemed like his name.

That's when their eyes met.

Nanami's eyes welled up with tears and relief.

Daryl's showed pure confusion and fear.

Daryl bites at the cloth gag in his mouth, hands becoming more anxious as he tries to free himself.

Beside Glenn, Nanami rolls his wrists around to try and loosen the zip ties around his own wrist.

Rick and Bob soon catch sight of Nanami, though Rick was the only one between the two that recognized him. Then, Rick notices the man further down the line.

Sam was someone Rick had met when on a run with Carol. They'd helped him and his girlfriend out, then agreed for them to join the group. But, when it was time to go, they only found the woman's remains and no sign of Sam.

"Na!" Daryl forces out through his gag, desperate to be free.

The two men in plastic aprons move behind Sam, one steadying a bat in his hands. With a quick blow to the head, Sam is knocked unconscious. The other man uses a large knife to reach over and slit his throat- blood pouring down into the trough below the eight men.

Nanami chokes on his gag as he calls Sam's name- the other two in their group also screaming in grief.

"Na!" Daryl tries again.

Nanami screams in frustration as Theo is the next to die at the hands of the Terminus men.

"Na!" Daryl shouts, though muffled.

Nanami clenches his eyes shut before forcing his head to turn and look at Daryl.

"Me.." Daryl makes out, "Just look.. Me.."

Nanami flinches as Brandon is hit with the bat.

Daryl shakes his head, fighting to keep Nanami's eyes on him. As Brandon's throat is slit, Daryl panics as he realizes Nanami was next.

"Hey!" Daryl shouts, "Hey!"

"Pipe it down," one of the men waves off dismissively.

Daryl couldn't let this happen. Nanami was alive after all and he found him. They couldn't be reunited just to die less than a foot away from one another.

That was less humane than whatever these people were planning to do with them.

"My son!" Daryl growls at them.

The man holding the bat pauses his swing to Nanami, looking over to Daryl.

"Son?" he asks.

Nanami could hear his heartbeat in his ears, throat dry in rage and terror.

"My.. My son.." Daryl pleads, shaking his head.

The two men trade a look, shrugging to one another.

Without another second to spare, the bat is swung to the back of Nanami's head.

Without another second to spare, the bat is swung to the back of Nanami's head

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𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝒶𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈--

brb im crying

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