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"So, there's a party tonight," Michonne begins.

"Oh hell no," Sakiko shakes her head.

"We should try our best to keep appearance."

"You got me all the way fucked up."


"Mama Mich," Sakko argues, "It's not happening."

Michonne scoffs at the nickname, straddling a chair to sit down in front of the younger woman, "Why not?"

"I didn't go to parties before, I'm not starting now."

"Shouldn't that be more reason as to go now?"


Sakiko stands from her chair, kissing Michonne's cheek with an obnoxiously loud 'smack' 

"At least dress nice?" 


"Brush your hair?"

"Just for that," Sakiko peers around the corner, "Nope!"

"Ryan is going?" Michonne offers, a bribery of kind, "Glenn and Maggie, too."

"Then, they can send my well wishes- I'm his wife not his caddy."


"Love you, too!"


Nanami stares at his reflection in the mirror.

The white dress shirt was a huge contrast to his tanner than usual skin. He always had traits of his father there, being darker than Sakiko, but being in a white shirt (a clean one at that) really made his color stick out.

His hair was a mess of gel and hairspray. He didn't know what to do with the hair that was growing past his ears so he asked Rosita to help him out. He should've ran when she rubbed her hands together like an evil scientist and began picking up bottles of products that Nanami had only sever seen advertise on the TV in that old diner.

He looked.. Clean. Proper, even.

He smelled good. (He would know because he couldn't stop sniffing his own skin that reeked with he scent of flowers from the shampoo that Rosita had also given him.) He wasn't sweaty or covered in blood.

He felt disgusting.

Nanami was really trying to understand what Alexandria was. But, all he saw was a gullible version of Woodbury if he was honest, though he'd never say it out loud. It was full of people that got lucky. Full of people that didn't really know the horrors outside the walls. Full of the kind of people he used to kill for under the Governor's command.

Scoffing, Nanami rolls the sleeves up his arms, figuring that would give him some semblance of breathing room. He runs his hands through his hair a few times, just to get the itchy feeling of the sprays and substances out.

He glances to the window, seeing the sun still bright enough. He knew that by now, most people were already at the party or at least heading there.

But, he only feared that it would once again remind him of Woodbury. That bar-be-cue. The smiles and laughter. The ice in drinks and smell of alcohol. 

Nanami couldn't breathe. He rips the door open, picking up his jacket and storming out of the house. The streets were already empty, another sign that everyone was already at the party.

He looks to the street of the main house- where everyone would be piled in at. He could see a few people, even Abraham and Rosita if he looked hard enough.

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