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Sakiko rests against the desk, watching as Eugene tampers with a battery. Her eyes widen when the paper he attached suddenly ignites in a flame that he uses to set a paper on fire, then puts that paper in a metal bin to make a proper fire pit.

"Dude.." she calls, "You gotta teach me that."

"Come again?" Eugene questions.

"That fire thing with two freaking items. Dude, I get you're gonna like.. save the world. But, that's the coolest thing I've seen since my dad taught me how to pick a lock."

A blush creeps up Eugene's neck and into his cheeks, not sure how to accept the sudden praise.

"It's just.. a battery and a gum wrapper," he shrugs.

"Magic," Sakiko decides.

"There is no such thing. There is only the explored and the unexplored natures of science and-"

"Dude, I'm calling you a wizard just take the compliment."

"Noted," Eugene nods.

Sakiko huffs a laugh and Eugene clears his throat, "Would you.. Like to try? For you and Ryan's fire?"

"For reals?"

Eugene awkwardly reaches for the extra bin, scampering to where Ryan had placed Sakiko. He sits on the floor with a grunt, holding the items out for her to take. She accepts the gum and battery.

"Get the foil," he motions.

"Foil?" she repeats.

"The gum wrapper," he clarifies.

Sakiko nods, unwrapping the stale piece of gum that had been in this library for God knows how long.

"Fold it vertically until it's about a centimeter in width. Make sure that the aluminum is facing inward."

"Dude," Sakiko complains, "Dumb it down."

"Fold the gum wrapper until it's.. skinny? The shiny side should be facing inward."

"There we go," Sakiko nods.

She follows instructions perfectly, surprising Eugene

"Pinch the shiny side to the negative and positive."

"Put the shiny to each end," Sakiko translates for herself.

"Correct," Eugene nods.

He holds a spare piece of paper up, "When the flame ignites, just place it here.

Sakiko pinches the gum wrapper, startling in surprise at just how quickly the wrapper begins to burn in the middle. She holds it up to the paper and the flame spreads until Eugene sets it in the extra bin. He grabs a loose book from the shelf, ripping the pages out one by one to crinkle up and toss in the fire.

"Hell yeah, screw knowledge," Sakiko supports.

"You say that as if I didn't just teach you something new to add to your toolbelt."

"All of the good things I've learned were things my dad taught me. It's how I've survived this long."

Sakiko watches the fire, a sad look taking over her eyes as she sighs.

She left to stay with Ryan and to get away from the drama back in the group.

Yet, when there was no chaos and the new of the trip had worn off, here she was bringing Daryl up at every chance she saw.

Eugene Porter did not know how to comfort someone.

Hesitantly, he reaches up, stiffly patting Sakiko's head.

ORDER (sequel to Trouble) [TWD]Where stories live. Discover now