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Nanami didn't say a word about joining the others to go into Noah's community. He just followed Michonne into the car.

Sakiko watched him go, deciding it was best not to argue. Instead, she gets close to Ryan and whispers.

"They know."

"How?" Ryan asks, eyes wide.

"Fucking Bill Nye the Liar Douche," she glares to where Eugene was still in a car.

"Goddammit," Ryan sighs, slumping against the trunk.

"I'm sorry. You were right. We should've just told them and-"

"No, no," Ryan shakes his head, tugging her closer, "Things were just.. A lot when we got back."

Sakiko looks to the ground, mentally taking note to check on Maggie again in a few minutes.

"Besides, they had to find out eventually," he adds.

"Yeah," Sakiko sighs, resting her head against his shoulder for a second before looking back up, "Not like I regret it anyway. Just.. I just wish things were open between us."

Ryan nods, understanding the weight on Sakiko's shoulders to a degree. He and Glenn got along fine. But, he had heard plenty of arguments between the twins.

Taking a deep breath, Sakiko pulls herself together, "I'm gonna go check on Maggie."

As she begins to walk away, Ryan grabs her arm, "No, I will. You go rest."

Sakiko begins to argue, but she was tired and had a headache.

"Okay," she gives in.

Ryan smiles, patting her shoulder before walking away. Sakiko trudges onto the truck to lay down in the bed of it.


"Talk to me," Michonne urges.

"For someone who spent months telling me to be quiet, you sure like to talk a lot now," Nanami tells her.

"Guess you rubbed off on me."

"How.. How do I make it right?"

When she doesn't say anything, Nanami looks up at her just to see that Rick, Noah, and Glenn were also looking at him. If he looked far enough, he could see Tyreese's eyes glancing at him in the rearview mirror.

"You're already doing it," Michonne tells him, "We all see it."

Nanami shakes his head. As he begins to speak, Michonne holds her hand up.

"Have you thought.. Maybe you haven't made it right because.. You haven't made it right with yourself?"

"Myself? How the hell am I supposed to do that? I'm a killer, 'Chonne. I'm a murderer. I have to live with myself. I have to.. to live with that."

"Na," she breathes, "We gotta be okay with ourselves before anyone else."

"Son," Tyreese calls, "It ain't on you."

Recalling the older man's words from Atlanta, Nanami purses his lips.

"Just 'cause you worked past the shit he dealt you doesn't mean the rest of us have."

"I never said I was over it," Tyreese reminds.

"You weren't out there. Not on the fields like I was. Your hands aren't bloody because of him."

"I told him I would do anything to earn my keep."

"I followed through on that."

"Nanami," Rick calls, turning in his seat to look him in the eyes better.

ORDER (sequel to Trouble) [TWD]Where stories live. Discover now