goes around

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Gareth was a sick man.

Thing is, he knew that. He just blamed it on the twisted things that people worse than him made him endure.

But, God, this had to be the worst torture he'd ever gone through.

"If you would've listened to me!" Sakiko hisses.

"You were the one being loud! You got us into this!" Nanami argues.

Sophia lets out a pained whine, "Guys, please calm down."

"Maybe you should've just died with Merle!" Nanami huffs.

Sakiko's blood boils, pure hatred now going through her body.

"Fuck you! When Daryl gets back, you're out of here!"

"You gonna run and tell 'dad'?" Nanami rolls his eyes.

"No, I'm letting you see him so I can remind you what a real man is before I cut your balls off and kick you out of the group!"

"Real man? Jeez, Sakiko, you're becoming just like Lori! Sitting around, doing nothing, blaming other people for your problems! Some lame housewife."

"You're the one acting like that piece of shit of a sperm donor we had!"

Gareth sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing his forehead as the headache gets worse.

"Maybe if you didn't throw a tantrum and make us leave with Daryl, we wouldn't be in this position at all!"

"We would've been dead a long time ago if we stayed!"

"We almost died over Daryl!"

"Stop talking shit about him!"

"Why? Because you care more for him than me? Oh, how wrong of me to badmouth the dude that dragged us into-"

"Shut up!" Sakiko yells, the loudest yet.

"You shut up!"

"Shut up before I make you!"

"I'd love to see you try!"

"Quiet!" Gareth stands up straight, "Fucks sake, everyone just.. Quiet!"

Nanami grows stiff, suddenly remembering they were captive.

"And who the hell are you to stick your nose in our business?" Sakiko questions.

"Kiko.." Sophia tries to nudge the other girl's leg with her own.

"Excuse me?" Gareth asks.

"You heard me," Sakiko tilts her head, "Don't know why you're sitting there eavesdropping on our family issues like some neckbeard, peeping Tom but you're real fucking dumb if you think-"

Gareth grabs a spare gag, shoving it in Sakiko's mouth- tension releasing in his body at the silence.

"Finally," he sighs, placing the heels of his hands against the temples of his head.

Seriously. Gareth was a sick man, but even he had his limits.

"What do you want from us?" Nanami asks the man.

Gareth wishes he knew. He took Bob because he could remember the man from the trough. He was also alone and unguarded. Simple, quick, easy meal. Of course that was before the lunatic started screaming 'tainted meat' and revealed the bite on his shoulder from a walker.

Things were just.. not going the way Gareth hoped.

Honestly, the man had thought about packing up the few remaining in his group and haul assing a few times. But, then he had to remember that those people killed his brother, mother, and other friends. He couldn't sweep it under the rug after what they did to him- what they took.

ORDER (sequel to Trouble) [TWD]Where stories live. Discover now