what comes around

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As the group around dug into their food, smiles on their faces, there was an obvious lack of emotion from three people in particular.

Sakiko was in a corner by the door on the hardwood ground, flicking a lighter open and closed. Ryan had offered to bring her a plate, but she only shook her head and told him to join his brother in the fun.

Nanami was at least in a seat, though he wasn't far from Sakiko's predicament as he was alone in the other corner of the room.

Daryl was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. His face was blank, but eyes tired from the back and forth. No one even noticed him slip out when he noticed Carol was leaving.

The others were all laughing and smiling together. The sight made Sakiko sick with envy and Nanami with jealousy.

"Hey, you," Glenn greets, slumping in the pew in front of Sakiko, turned around enough to look down at her.

"Hey," she whispers.

"You uh.. You wanna talk about it?" he asks, ever so careful with the teen.

Sakiko knew that he was talking about the issues with she, Daryl, and Nanami. But, she was determined to not think about it at all.

"Does dude with the ugly hair really know what's going on?" she asks instead.

Glenn huffs, but decides to answer regardless.

"I met 'em on the road. Abraham.. He's strict, but he's good out there. Rosita is good backup, too. Eugene.." he trails off, looking over to the man in question.

Did Eugene really know what was happening? Could he stop it? Abraham was sure of it. That made it feel.. attainable?

"I hope he does," Glenn finally breathes out.

Sakiko frowns, flipping the lighter cap shut once more.

"Why the hair?" 

Glenn chuckles at her question, "I'll be sure and ask him."

Sakiko nods, slumping her head against the wall. Glenn points to the item in her hand, anxiety creeping in as he dared question.

"Daryl give that to you?"

Talking to Daryl, Sakiko, or Nanami about their emotions.. it was like walking on a tight rope. Glenn knew that better than most from how much time he'd spent with Daryl on the road or just trying to get through to Sakiko. Yet, he still poked that bear.

"Birthday," she surprisingly answers, "This, too."

She holds her head up enough to show Glenn the necklace around her neck, pinching the pendant between her fingers.

"Before?" Glenn asks, relieved she didn't shut down at his first words.

"Yeah.. Last one before.." she pauses, motioning around as if referring to the world.

Glenn still wasn't clear on their lives before. It was obvious they knew each other before the walkers were around, but it was still a gray area to him.

"Comes in handy, huh?" he tries to lightly joke.

"More than a barbie doll," Sakiko scoffs at her own diss to Shinsuke.

"Kiko," Rick calls, stepping closer to the pair, "You seen Daryl?"

"Last I checked he was my guardian. Not the other way around."

Glenn tries to hide his relief that she still thought of Daryl that highly.

"We can't find him. Carol and Bob, too," Rick explains, "Did he tell you anything about going somewhere?"

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