sakiko's information spree

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"You gon' fuck with my brother or no?" Sakiko outright questions Sophia.

"I'm.." Sophia blinks, "What?"

"You still want him? Y'all together?"

"It's complicated."

"Don't give me that shit," Sakiko rolls her eyes, "I got less than ten minutes til the barber's son is coming to be all buddy-buddy with me. I just need to know what's up with you and Na."

"Did he say something?"

"Do you want him to say something?"

Sophia huffs, throwing herself to sit on the porch steps beside Sakiko, "We were kids when we met. It's just.. Different now. We're both different."

"Cool," Sakiko nods, "So, break up with him."


"You said it yourself. Don't drag it out just because you're afraid or whatever. Just.. Break up."


"He's on a run with Daryl and Aaron-" Sakiko cuts herself off, "Goddamn! You two really don't know shit about each other, huh?"

"I'm sorry," Sophia sighs.

"Don't be sorry, just be honest, dude," Sakiko nudges the other girl's back, "It's better if you just be honest. No need in doing useless shit if you don't care."

"How are you married?" Sophia cries.

"Is that an attack on me or an actual question?"

"Actual question."

"Fuck if I know. I just like to hang out with Ry and we figured we should do that every day for as long as we got."

Sophia scoffs, running her hands over her face.

"If it helps- he wants to breakup, too."

"It really doesn't," Sophia whines.

"Dude, you just said you didn't want to be with him. You can't get mad cause he don't want to be with you. It's mutual. That works out just fine."


"Oh my, God!" Sakiko complains, "We're not high schoolers, Sophia- we never even freaking went to high school. Don't play stupid games. Just woman up and be an adult."

"But, I-"





"Nuh uh," Sakiko stands up, "You're breaking up with my brother the second he gets back so you can both move on with your lives, all right?"

"What if-"

Sakiko rushes out jumbled words, pure nonsense as she waves her hands in Sophia's face.

"No," she finally says a real word, "Just do it. You'll both live after. Probably better."

Sophia begins to say something else, mostly wanting to ask what she did to get this side of Sakiko targeted at her. Did Nanami put his sister up to this? Carl, maybe? Sophia was around enough to notice that Nanami and Carl were spending a lot of time together- maybe Carl was looking out for his friend.

"I've gotta go play nice and interrogate strangers," Sakiko says, noticing Ron walking over, "You work on your breakup speech."

"Being nice and interrogating people don't belong in the same sentence," Sophia grumbles.


Sakiko was exhausted as the sun began to set.

Seriously.. Carol will clean each crevice of the house with a toothbrush for this.

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