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Rosita's towel falls to the floor, her head snapping up straight, "What?"

"You heard me, please don't make me say it again."

"So.." Rosita stumbles over her words, "Do you know for sure? Did you tell Ryan? What-"

"Dude, I don't know what to do, that's why I came to you!"

"I've never been-" Rosita lowers her voice to a whisper, "pregnant."

Sakiko throws her head back, whining in fear and annoyance.

"So, how the hell am I supposed to know?"

"You said your sister had babies, what did she do? What do I do?"

"Maggie," Rosita snaps her fingers.


"Maggie," Rosita nods.

Sakiko eyes widen, remembering how Maggie and Glenn have had multiple conversations about having kids. Maggie was Sakiko's in law, too. Maggie would understand.

"Maggie," Sakiko repeats.



"Shh!" Rosita shushes.

Maggie jumps, looking to where Sakiko had burst through the doors, "Kiko?"

Sakiko looks around Deanna's office, seeing that Maggie was the only person there. 

"We need you," Rosita says, also making sure the room was clear of prying ears.

"Is something wrong?" Maggie asks, setting her papers on the table so she can stand and approach the girls.

"Maybe," Sakiko decides, "Yes? Absolutely? Possibly?"

"Before she starts rambling," Rosita places her hands on Sakiko's shoulders, "Do you know where a pregnancy test may be?"

"A pregnancy test?" Maggie wonders, "For.. who?"

"Me," Sakiko holds her hand up, tears in her eyes.

"Kiko!" Maggie cheers, pulling the younger girl into a hug, "That's amazing!"

"No! No, it's not!" Sakiko argues, "I don't want a snotty gremlin growing in me!"

"Why not?" Maggie asks.

"I just don't!" Sakiko huffs, "If I don't have kids, I don't have a fuckin' burden. I want to live on my own- with Ryan. Not have to deal woth something else in our business."

"Okay.." Maggie sighs, "Come on, I know where to go."

"I'm gonna go check on Sasha- make sure she's back and doing good," Rosita decides, "Unless you need me."

"No, check on her," Sakiko urges, "I'm okay. Thanks, Rosita."

Maggie wraps her arm around Sakiko, the yougner girl clearly distressed as they journey to the house that was purely for storage.

"I had Glenn pick up some extra on a previous run. It's nice to just have some on stand by considering all," Maggie explains.

"My life is over," Sakiko whispers to herself, "It's ruined."

"No it's not," Maggie reassures, "If you are or aren't, it'll be just fine."

Maggie combs through the shelves finally picking a little basket out and perching it onto her side. Sakiko looks into the basket, seeing a surplus of different kinds of pregnancy tests. One of the boxes even had a picture of a baby smiling and Sakiko feels the need to vomit.

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