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"I didn't think I would make it," Nanami admits.

In the morning light, Sakiko steps a bit closer to him- the twins suddenly needing to stay as close to the other as possible to make sure the other was real.

"I threw the bags and just.. hauled ass," he continues.

"What happened?" Sophia asks carefully.

"I got most of them away but.. I was pinned down. Martinez.." Nanami recalls with a heavy sigh, "Martinez stuck his neck out for me. He saved me."

"So it was just the two of you?" Rick asks.

"For a while. We got back near the Nunez area and got split by a herd. I couldn't just go back without him after what he did for me so I turned back to search for him.. I never did find him."

Nanami pauses, those what-ifs still in his mind over Martinez.

"When I was about to give up, I found Sam. He said that he was supposed to go to a prison because the guy in charge was nice enough to offer. Kinda put two and two together."

Rick lowers his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in stress. Maybe it was for the best they didn't stick around to look for Sam- Nanami might not have made it without him. Then again, if they would have stayed and brought him back, maybe Sam would still be alive.

"He wasn't in the best shape so I was helping him back on his feet and tried to find his girlfriend. We never found her, either."

Rick begins to reveal that he and Carol had seen the woman's body, but he figures to not bring the mood down anymore.

"We packed up and started to the prison. When we got there.. everything was just.." Nanami cringes at the memory, "Gone."

The prison was in shambles, fences tore down with hundreds of walkers invading the once safe place.

"The fences fell when we had an illness run through. We didn't have the numbers or the ammo to try and beat 'em," Maggie assists in explaining.

"Sam and I just.. went on our own. Then, we found the others," Nanami points to Emma and Dean, "Figured it was safe to stay in larger numbers."

"And Terminus?" Rick questions.

"Saw the signs but we weren't sure about it.. Then, I saw one that Maggie had written on for Glenn," Nanami nods to Maggie, "It wasn't much, but.. I had hope."

"I'm glad," Maggie smiles, "Thankful. It's good to have you back, Na."

The group gives Nanami pats on the shoulder or words of comfort as they pass by to continue their walk, Nanami feeling overwhelmed with the emotions of it all.

As the group continues onward, Sakiko and Nanami stick close together. Daryl tried to join them, but he felt his footsteps falter.

Honestly, Daryl couldn't stop thinking about last night- after they had made up a small camp to rest and everyone let the motions of the day catch up to them.

"Hey," Carol bumps his shoulder, "You good?"

Daryl watches Sakiko and Nanami's heads from behind, a bitter taste in his mouth as he tried to not let the emotions show.

"Yeah," he nods shortly.

"You're not," Carol deciphers, "Don't lie to me."

"Ain't nothing," he denies.

"It is," she argues, "But, that's okay."

"How?" Daryl asks before he could stop himself, "How is that okay?"

ORDER (sequel to Trouble) [TWD]Where stories live. Discover now