walls come down

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Sakiko was exhausted. She and Nanami were up all night talking after his interruption. Luckily, it didn't wake anyone else up even though, Maggie was up as soon as the sun was- standing guard and looking out for Glenn.

Sakiko was practically dragging Nanami behind her as she was ready to have the conversation he'd dodged all night. Breaking up with Sophia.

After talking himself up and Sakiko pinching him a few times, Nanami decided he was ready.

As he walked to Sophia, everyone heard the wood cracking.

"Na!" Sakiko shouts.

Nanami ducks and takes off into a run, grabbing Sophia's arm as the tower outside. the walls begins to fall. He was running toward Sakiko when the building fell through the gates, knocking those around off their feet.

"Everyone get back! Get into your houses, go!" Rick's voice carries.

"Kiko! Kiko!" Nanami shouts before coughing from the dust, "Sakiko!"

"Nanami! We gotta go!" Sophia shouts, grabbing his hand.

Nanami pulls his gun out as walkers begin flooding inside- Rick and someone else he couldn't see already shooting their own respective guns.

"Sakiko!" he tries again in between firing his weapon.

"Nanami!" Carl calls.

"Fuck," Nanami curses, using his gun to punch a walker away.

"We have to get back!" Rick orders, ushering some closer.

"Sakiko!" Nanami screams, running backwards as his eyes scanned the herd.

"She'll be fine! We have to go!" Michonne shoves Nanami forward.

Nanami unwillingly begins running with the group of Rick, Deanna, Michonne, Carl, Sophia, Gabriel, and Ron. The entire time, he felt the need to throw up.


Sakiko dry heaves, rolling onto her knees and picking herself up. The walkers, the loud crash of the gate being brought down, the gun fire- it was all too much at once. A full panic attack sets in until she's mindlessly running through the walkers. Her head was on overdrive as she attempted to breathe and ground herself like the Greene and Rhee family had taught her to do.

A walker grabs her arm, pinching her skin and on instinct, she turns around with her knife and stabs it. She slices downward, the head. cutting in half as she stumbles over her clumsy footing and falls on top of the body.

She gasps in, unable to feel her legs.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," she repeats, slapping herself.

She moves her hand to get herself back up only to place her skin right into the walker's gashed open head.

"Fuck," she says again, eyes widening.

A walker comes closer and she stabs it, too. Her eyes widen and she drops her knife, digging both hands into the walker's head. With a quick motion, she smears the brain fluid all over her chest. In another handful of matter, she rubs it on her face and arms.

She picks her knife back up, tumbling off the body. On her backside, she shuffles backwards- the walkers not taking as much notice to her. She makes it to the collapsed tower, squeezing into the broken building through a few boards that had splintered.

Her back touches the wall and she pulls her knees to her chest, holding her knife protectively in front of her.

"Come on," she inhales through her nose, "Come down.."


"Sorry," Nanami sighs, beginning to walk back out the door.

"No, don't," Ron calls, "I'm just.. I'm just thinking."

"Yeah, me too. Was just trying to find a place for that."

"Not like we have many places to go."

"Right," Nanami shuts the door, slumping against it.

"Your sister still out there?"

"She is," Nanami nods.

He thought that him staying here would mean they could think about their shit. In silence. Not to each other.

"She's nice. Talked to me about some shit."


"We talked about my dad. My mom. My brother.. Me," Ron lists off slowly, "We talked a lot."

"Yeah, she has that habit. I'm sorry if she overstepped-"

"No, it's not that. She was the first person I talked about some.. pretty heavy shit with." 

Nanami's back straightens against the door. By now, everyone knew that Pete Anderson was an abusive, drunk, sack of shit. If Sakiko was talking to Ron and relating to him.. did she talk to him about Shinsuke?

How would that be fair? Sakiko didn't even talk about Shinsuke with him.

Nanami thought that he and his sister were getting on really good terms. Probably the best they've ever been on in their lives. How could she not talk about that with him and instead talk about it with a stranger?

"Plus, she helped me on some.. other things."

"Yeah?" Nanami asks, tongue in his cheek in annoyance.

He came here to think- away from the others, the walkers, and hellish trapped scenery. Not to wind up with even more questions.

Nanami blinks getting ready to cross his arms until Ron is right in front of him- lips on his. Nanami gasps, shoving Ron away within the second.

"I.." Ron starts.

The world is a sick fucking joke, Nanami decides. He's just now figuring out his sexuality. The only person he was out to was Sakiko. How the actual fuck were dudes already making passes at him?

"You have a girlfriend," Nanami blurts, "So.. So do I."

"Enid went over the walls before the herd came. She's probably dead," Ron shrugs.

"Okay, then you should be like.. fucking grieving or something?" Nanami startles, taking a step away.

"I just figured.." Ron motions between them, "Since we're all gonna die anyway."

Nanami tries to say something. Anything. But, he shakes his head at the other male and jogs out of the room.

"Fucking weirdo," Nanami mutters, heading upstairs.

On the way around the corner, he bumps into Carl- sending both back a few steps.

"Shit, sorry," Nanami panics.

"It's all right," Carl forces a smile, "Could you take watch over Deanna? Dad doesn't want her to be alone.. The fever is kicking in."

"Yeah," Nanami nods, "I'll go sit with her. Take a break."

Nanami begins around Carl, making it almost down the hall until Carl calls out to him again.

"Is everything okay, Na? Something happen?"

"No, just.." Nanami sighs, running a hand through his hair, "We all take shit in different ways, you know?"

"Yeah," Carl nods, looking down to the garage Nanami was running from, "I do."


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