license plates

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"It is a pretty big collection," Nanami agrees, looking at all of the license plates on the walls.

"We started before all this even went down, it's somehow harder and easier now than it was then," Eric laughs.

"You and Aaron were together before?"

"Oh God, yes," Eric huffs, "Been dealing with his ass since we were in the same NGO. Something about the way he helped out at those more than most people just got to me."

Nanami gives the man a soft smile, causing Eric to continue his story.

"We didn't date for long until it was just.. Us against the world. Sometimes literally. We moved in together after two months and started traveling with the NGO- that's how we got our start on the license plates."

Something about that made Nanami's head feel dizzy. Against the world. So sure of themselves.

"How'd you know?" he wonders.

"There was a lot," Eric nods, "But, I didn't even notice any of the reasons until I was already so deep in. 

Eric crutches his way to sit down on the couch, patting the seat beside him for Nanami to join, which the younger man follows.

"I think the first was when I noticed I was doing things I wouldn't normally do. I was making sacrifices, big and small, just to fit him in my life or make it easier. And I didn't understand that because.. I mean we were kind of just travel buddies- work partners."

As Eric recounts their past, Nanami finds himself chewing one his thumbnail, a rush of anxiety going through him for a reason he couldn't put his finger on just yet.

"Then, of course, there was the problem that I just couldn't stop thinking about him. Hell, I was thinking about him even when we were together. When something happened, I was excited to have something else to talk to him about. It was a million little small things that built up over time until the avalanche finally came in and settled us down."

Nanami laughs at the imagery, shaking his head at Eric. Eric gives a chuckle of his own until their eyes are brought to Aaron and Daryl walking back into the room.

"So? You gonna be a recruiter?" Eric asks.

Daryl slowly nods, pointing to Nanami, "If you come, too."

"You want me to recruit people with you two?" Nanami asks, confused.

"I'm gonna ask Kiko, too. But, you said you wanted a job. You miss being out there. It'll give you some space 'til we work through things here."

Seeing how tense Nanami was, Aaron and Eric excuse themselves to the living room to let the family talk privately.

"I don't know.." Nanami sighs, "Trying to talk to people-"

"It ain't what you're thinkin'," Daryl quickly shoots down, "It ain't like him."

"If something goes wrong out there-"

"Then, that's something else. Na, this is helping people. Like at the prison. What we did- what Sakiko did, because we thought that's what you would want. Peace."

Nanami didn't want to feel any more closer to Woodbury than he was currently experiencing. Going out and actively searching for camps and people.. If something went wrong and they had to defend themselves, wouldn't it just be Woodbury all over again.

"It's not that, Na," Daryl tries again, "Trust me. It's me."

Daryl. Trust Daryl. The man that showed up every time the twins needed him. The man that got them birthday presents. The man that would always run away with them if they asked. The man that always stayed even when they pushed him away.

ORDER (sequel to Trouble) [TWD]Where stories live. Discover now