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"Fucking, ow!"

"Don't move!"

"Just stick it in!"

"It's too big.."

"Oh my god!"

"You're drooling too much!"

Confused and a little afraid, Ryan pushes the bathroom door open to see Sakiko sitting on the sink counter with Rosita in front of her- between the younger girl's legs.

"Should I ask?" he tilts his head, already taking a step out.

"I found a sewing kit," Rosita holds the pack up, "But, Sakiko has a small tongue and I can't pierce it."

"You didn't numb it enough, it'll go in just fine."

"The hell?" Carl asks, peeking his head in the door.

"Don't ask," Ryan sighs, leaning against the doorway, "Girls are weird."

"Yeah.. I've never really understood girls," Carl agrees.

"Let me try this one," Rosita offers, picking a different needle out.

Sakiko groans, spitting the ice cube into her hand and sticking her tongue out.

"It's a good thing we have toothpaste," Carl comments.

"Don't make me laugh," Rosita demands, face a little too stern considering the job she was doing.

"Did you find a piercing?" Ryan wonders.

Sakiko makes a noise that sounds like it was trying to be words until Rosita pinches her thigh to shut her up.

"Shit ton of jewelry everywhere. No one uses it as much anymore so we got to."

"Did you already do her ears?" Ryan asks, squinting to look at Sakiko's ears that had little studs in the lobe.

"Uh huh," Sakiko holds a thumb up.

"Shut up!" Rosita hisses and Sakiko sighs, "We were doing a test run, so yeah."

Carl's top lip curls in a hint of disgust and Sakiko gasps when the needle breaks through her tongue.

"Got it!" Rosita cheers, picking up the tissue paper to wipe the blood.

"Gross," Carl scrunches his nose.

The sight of Rosita tossing bloody tissue paper in the sink as she poked and prodded around in Sakiko's mouth was almost comical and Ryan couldn't help but snicker.

"You'll have to keep this around just to keep the blood down. Don't forget to remind me to sterilize it again tonight and wash your mouth out tonight."

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am," Sakiko salutes, hopping off the counter to turn and look at her new piercing in the mirror.

"Sick," Ryan compliments, kissing the back of her head.

"Fucking epic," Sakiko agrees.

Ryan jumps up onto the counter, "Could I get a new addition?"

"What do you want?" Rosita asks, opening up the jewelry box she and Sakiko were granted access to.

"Ear," Ryan points.

"Ooh," Sakiko grins.

"You're all hopeless," Carl chuckles.

"You want a lip piercing?" Rosita calls after him.

"I'll pass! Maybe next time."

"Is this gonna be your job?" Ryan asks as Rosita places an ice cube on his ear lobe, "We have a hair stylist.. You gonna be the piercing shop?"

ORDER (sequel to Trouble) [TWD]Where stories live. Discover now