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"You ever think about it? Settling down? Giving them two a mama?" Abraham asks Daryl.

Nanami chuckles and Daryl shoots him a look.

"You think shit's settled?" Daryl asks Abraham before walking to Nanami.

"It's not a bad thought," Nanami tells Daryl, looking around the big room of the main Hilltop house.

"Don't tell me y'all got mommy issues now, too."

"I don't. Kiko does. Why do you think she calls everyone 'mom'," Nanami says and it causes Daryl to chuckle.

"It's cute," Daryl shrugs.

It was to him, though. Rather it be 'Mama Mich' or her playfully calling Rosita 'Mami', Daryl thought it was cute. Sakiko felt enough love to call them names of endearment, so that's all that mattered.

"Why you asking?" Daryl wonders, "You tryna get married next?"

Nanami bites the inside of his cheek. Sakiko was the only person he was out to before today. Now, he was only properly out to Sakiko and Michonne. 

"Dad, I uh.. I got something I needa tell you."

"What's that? You and Sophia back together?"

Nanami shakes his head and looks at the rug on the floor. Daryl sees how he begins to shut down and scoots closer to him.


"I'm.. I'm gay," Nanami admits, "I just.. thought you should know."

The silence felt like it was smothering Nanami.

He sees Daryl's boot move an inch until he feels Daryl's arms around him.

"That's good, son," Daryl pats his shoulder, "Thank you for tellin' me."

Nanami releases a huge puff of air he wasn't aware he was holding in. Relieved more than words could describe, he rests his head on Daryl's chest.

"Thanks, dad."

"I ain't do nothing. Why you thanking me?"

"Cause you've already done everything."


"Negan," Nanami tries the name out to hear it, "You think this is a smart move?"

"It's our only move," Rick sighs, looking to the room Maggie had walk back into where an injured Gregory was.

Some Hilltop people had returned and revealed that Negan had killed the others they left with. Then, the man said he had a message from Negan to Gregory and proceeded to stab the man.

"There's gotta be something else," Nanami argues.

"It's a trade."

"It's murder. It's.." Nanami sighs, "It's Woodbury."

"This ain't that," Daryl denies, "These people- these Saviors.. They've already come after us once. It's only a matter of time until they do it again. It's best we take the threat out now before that happens."

"And how do I not know this isn't 'kill these to protect them' all over again?" Nanami questions.

"Because it's us," Daryl comforts, "Trust me, Na. Trust us."

"Maggie said it was going to cost us something."

"Some headaches and bullets, maybe. But, we got this."

"Why can't we go back home and ask everyone else what they think? Kiko? Rosita? Carl? Sasha? Hershel? Gabriel?"

"This is a decision that needs to be made now. We need food and the security that the Saviors won't come after us later on down the road. This is how we do that," Rick explains.

Nanami still didn't like it.


After the group returned from Hilltop, the plan was set in stone. Rick gave a speech and the majority agreed to fight. Sakiko thinks it was Aaron's words that helped everyone get on the fighting side.

"You sure you wanna go?" Ryan asks, leaning on the table.

"No. Not really," she admits, "One wrong move and end up in a shootout.. I'll get shot because I'm having a panic attack on the floor."

"Don't say that," Ryan cringes at the thought.

"It's true. But, Rick needs fighters. I'm still not solid with a gun. But, I can handle soft and stealthy. It's what I'm best at."

"You soft? Since when?" Ryan teases.

"Shut your face," she rolls over in the bed to look at him.

"Make me."

Sakiko leans up for a kiss, then burrows her head in Ryan's shoulder.

"Rude," he pokes her side.

There's a weak knock on the door and Sakiko rolls over Ryan's body to get off the bed. He laughs as she does so, thumping her forehead and kneeing her in the butt as she stands.

She makes her way out the room, wondering who could possibly be knocking at this time of night. But, she knew that Nanami had an eventful morning so her money was on her brother needing comfort after almost kissing Carl.

"Na, you- oh, hey Mami," she greets Rosita as she opens the door.

Rosita sniffles, her sleeves pulled over her hands as she covered her mouth. Tears fell from her eyes and Sakiko's smile drops in concern.

"What's wrong?" she pulls Rosita into the house.

"A-Abraham.." Rosita whimpers, hiding her face in Sakiko's shoulder, "Abraham left.. He broke u- up with me."

"What the fuck? Why?" Sakiko asks, wrapping Rosita in a hug.

"I think there's someone else. He said that.. that when we met he thought I was the only woman on Earth and now he knows I'm not. He left me for someone else, Cariño."

The older woman finally breaks completely, worse than she had when she was crying alone in her bedroom. She was with her best friend now and could be as vulnerable as needed.

Sakiko wasn't sure what to do. Her heart was breaking like she was the one that got dumped out of sympathy for her best friend. All she could do was set aside the anger for Abraham and hold Rosita tighter.

"You want some wine?" Sakiko asks, patting Rosita's hair.

"God, please."

Sakiko nods and the women hold each other as they step to the kitchen. Sakiko pours some wine that the others had gotten from Hilltop. She tried it for the first time at dinner with Ryan and Hershel as they didn't allow Maggie to have alcohol. 

"It.. It came out of nowhere. Just the other day he was telling me how perfect I was. We.. we had so much sex and then.. this."

"Do you think something happened at Hilltop? Maybe someone there.." Sakiko tries to figure out.

"He goes to make a trade and fucking finds a new bitch?" Rosita scowls, downing her wine in a couple gulps, "God, this can't be happening."

Sakiko frowns, stepping around to massage Rosita's shoulders- anything to give her comfort. The touch only makes Rosita tear up again. Then, the tears are falling and Sakiko is once more cradling her in a hug.

 Then, the tears are falling and Sakiko is once more cradling her in a hug

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