the meddling rhees

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"I've heard of the third wheel.. Never thought I'd be a fifth wheel, though," Tara comments.

Glenn throws a look at her over his shoulder, a faint smile, "Yeah, sorry about that."

"No, it's good. I'm fine," Tara looks between Glenn and Maggie then to Sakiko and Ryan, "Totally cool."

Sakiko couldn't help but grin as Tara throws up an awkward pair of finger guns with a smile that looked like a grimace.

"I was thinking.. Maybe once we clear the ammo shop, we could hit up a restaurant," Glenn redirects the conversation.

"The others are on a two-hour time. They'll think something happened if we're not back by then and come looking," Tara reminds.

Maggie leans over, whispering something to Tara. The other seems to understand, her mouth opening and an invisible lightbulb over her head.

"Well, how about you three go on to the ammo shop, and Kiko and I can hit up the restaurant?" Ryan offers, the brothers trading a knowing look.

"Sounds good to me," Glenn nods.

Sakiko looks between the Rhees, sensing the plotting in the air and between their gaze.

"Forty-five?" Glenn asks as Ryan leads Sakiko another route.

"Copy that," Ryan nods.

The group splits up and Sakiko continues to throw Ryan side-eyes as she tries to read him.

"What?" he finally asks once they're on a different street.

"Are you leading me away to kill me?" 


"You freak, I've seen I Spit On Your Grave!"

"I have no idea what that is and no I'm not killing you," Ryan sighs, "You always jump to conclusions-"

"Then, why aren't we with the others?"

"To scout out a restaurant?" Ryan says, sounding more like a question.

But, Sakiko sees right through him.

"You're planning something," she squints at him.

"I'm not."

"You are,"  she points to his face, "You scrunch your nose when you lie."

"No, I don't," Ryan defends, physically mimicking the action she'd called him out for.

Her eyes widen, pointing vigorously at his nose. Ryan huffs, shrugging his shoulders.

"Whatever. Let's just go," he ushers.

Sakiko falls a step behind him, keeping watch around for walkers. Once in front of the restaurant, Sakiko notices the window had already been wiped down- her tracking instincts kicking in.


Sakiko jumps as Ryan pushes the door open, derailing from their usual run plans of knocking in case there were walkers inside.

"Dude-" she begins, chasing Ryan inside.

She comes to a halt behind him once more as she sees Daryl sitting at one of the tables, bow on his lap.

Carefully, Daryl stands up and sets his bow on the table while clearing his throat.

"Thanks, Ryan," Daryl nods.

"Yes, sir," Ryan nods, "I'll be right outside."

Sakiko took a second to catch up, but it was long enough for her to narrowly miss Ryan's arm as she tried to grab him before he left. The door closes and as Sakiko now has her back to Daryl, she closes her eyes in a grimace.

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