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J O S H U A ' S P O V

"Vernon, I've already written something, can we record now?" I asks him.

"Sure, on saturday we will record, aren't you busy that day?" He asks.

"I'm not busy on Saturday, so I can go that day." I said.

He nodded, the bell rang so we went back to our classrooms. Our lessons are very difficult, but we can handle even if it is difficult if it is just for our future. Our class took a long time to finish because of the teacher's long lecture, there were more procedures. He also gives step-by-step, but it was good and I caught up.

"Joshua, did you copy the last part?" Mina asks.

"Yes, I copied it." I answered.

"Can I have a copy?" She asks. "Because I couldn't catch up earlier." She added.

I nodded and handed her my notebook, I let her have my notebook first so I left the classroom first and went to the cafeteria. I bought fries and burgers, I also added juice to be delicious. I went back to our classroom, when I got back I saw Mina looking around, she was looking for me.

"Mina." I called her.

She looked at me and took a sigh of relief, I was next to her so she could easily borrow me a notebook or anything else.

"I will return the notebook to you, thank you Joshua." She said.

"No problem." I response.

I had finished the fries and burgers I had bought, when I finished eating our teacher came so I took out my notebook for his subject. His lecture was very difficult so I listened carefully, he repeated it when others didn't understand so it was good to catch up.

"Class dismissed." He announced.

I put my notebook to my bag and left our classroom, I went to the music room to rehearse the song Vernon and I made.  I'm very proud of myself so I'm happy to sing this, I'll use the guitar first because the guitar is more overflowing in our song.

"Hope you listen to this song cause I, I, I,

Cause I'm doing right just fine.

Doing alright, doing alright.

All the time in the world to myself.

I can go and drink all day and night but why.

Can't I get you off my mind."

I paused, I just had to record on my phone to let Vernon hear, I took the cellphone out of my pocket and immediately started recording.

"Hope you listen to this song cause I, I, I,

Cause I'm doing right just fine.

Doing alright, doing alright.

All the time in the world to myself.

I can go and drink all day and night,

But why, can't I get you off my mind."

"Two minus one,

I can see you're doing really good without me, baby.

Two minus one,

I'm doing great myself hope you I am.

Cause I'm not lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely yeah.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely yeah.

Two minus one,

I'm super fine,

I don't need you anymore."

I stopped first, I also stopped recording because that's all there is to it. I left the music room and went to the garden, I saw no one there so I went to the garden.

"Sunday morning, rain is falling

Steal some covers, share some skin

Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable

You twist to fit the mold that I am in

But things just get so crazy

Living life gets hard to do

And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew

That someday it would lead me back to you

That someday it would lead me back to you."

I sang Maroon 5's Sunday Morning, no one was here so I just sang. I closed my eyes and sang again, I had to relax because I was stressed now.

"That may be all I need

In darkness she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

Well I never want to leave

Yeah, fingers trace your every outline, oh yeah, yeah

Yeah, ain't a picture with my hands, ohh!

And back and forth we sway like branches in a storm

Change the weather still together when it ends

That may be all I need

In darkness she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

And I never want to leave."

I stopped when someone applauded, I saw Naomi standing at the entrance of the garden. I averted my eyes, I didn’t know what to do because he saw me sing.

"You have a nice voice, Joshua." She complain.

"T- thank you." I thanked her.

"Why are you stuttering? You should be proud because you have a nice voice, don't be shy." She said.

I smiled at what he said, I heard that from my group mates. But why does it seem different when it comes to her, there is only one complaint but I smile. Naomi sat down next to me, I felt uneasy. And I also feel like my heart is beating fast, what’s going on?  Except I like Naomi, what else?

"Will you be singing at the upcoming farewell party?" She asks.

"Yes, my group and I had a performance for the farewell party." I answered.

"Wish you a good luck." She said.

I smiled at what she said, I nodded. I have nothing to say, I flattered  when she said 'good luck' to me. It's just a simple good luck but it's weird to me, that word seems like a potion.

"I gotta go." She said.

I nodded, she left the garden but she could not be removed from my sight. When she was out of my sight, I left the garden, went back to our classroom so that I wouldn't be late for class. And just as our teacher arrived, I was also stressed on this subject, so I had to listen carefully.

"Let's rehearse." Vernon said.

I nodded so I took out the paper on which I wrote the lyrics I thought of yesterday, I showed it to him and he nodded, meaning he approved.

"Sing it, we will listen." Seungcheol said.

We both nodded, they prompted us to start so we did. We got started, I saw how much they liked the song we did. When we were done they applauded, I gave Vernon a high five. It's good and they liked the song we made, but I don't know who this song is for.

"We are ready for the farewell party." I said.

2 Minus 1 | joshua✓ ( School Series )Where stories live. Discover now