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N A O M I ' S  P O V

"Good luck on your first day Naomi." Mom says.

"Thank you, Mom." I said.

When I left the building I hailed a taxi, but to my surprise I saw Joshua's car in front of me. I had no choice but to get in his car, so that I would have a budget later for my fare to the restaurant.

"Are you nervous on the first day?" He asks.

"Very, very nervous." I answered.

"Good luck, for us. And it's a pity because we're not in the same room, or should I say we're not classmates." He said.

"Why a pity? We'll still meet at school if we have time." I response.

"It's just because I miss you so fast." He said.

I turned to him and laughed softly, he had been courting me these past few months. And he is still waiting for my sweet yes, because while he is coming to our house to watch over Mom. Then we talk when I'm off work, and after a late night walk, I fall in love with him.

"There you are again, I will answer you for a long time, maybe next life." I said.

"Naomi! I'm not joking okay? Is my courtship of you useless?" He asks.

"It's not useless! You're too serious." I answered.

We were still caught so I was worried, it might be late for our first class in college. What I do know is that college teachers are strict, especially when passing a project or something.

"We might be late for first class, I'm worried." I said.

"Don't worry, the traffic will disappear soon." He response.

"How can I not worry, as far as I know the college teachers are strict." I said.

"Don't worry, my angel. We can get to school on time." He said.

I smiled at what he told me, he said 'my angel'. I was fascinated by what he said, I don't know but the strength of the effect on me when he said that.

"Okay then, I just hope the cars move on." I said.

And my prayer was heard, the cars were moving so Joshua did the same. Soon after we arrived at the school, we got off when Joshua parked his car in the parking lot.

"I'll go in first, Shua." I said.

"Let's go together." He response.

"Your friends are going here." I said while pointing at his friends.

"Okay then, go to school first. I'll see you later." He said.

I nodded, entered the school and was looking for my classroom. It's a bit refreshing, but I know I can get used to it. When I found that I had entered my classroom, I saw that they were talking so I was just looking for a seat. I prefer to be at the very end, I'm tall so no worries. I want to socialize, but I don't feel like I'll fit in, so I won't force myself to socialize with the others.

J O S H U A ' S  P O V

"Why did you choose medicine course?" The girl beside me asks.

"I just want to save human life." I answered.

"But are you sure what you want?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I answered. "When I was in high school, I wanted to be a doctor. Besides, my father is a doctor. He used to be my inspiration, because he's saving lives." I added.

She nodded, as if she was interviewing. It's like I'm applying for a job, and need to be interviewed.

"By the way, I'm Park Minjeong." She introduced herself.

"I'm Hong Jisoo, just call me Joshua." I introduced myself too.

I just met someone the first day, maybe it's easy for someone to approach me. I thought, does Naomi have a friend now? Naomi doesn't socialize much, she says she doesn't like that.

But it can change, can't it?

I don't know? Maybe?

I went out of our classroom first, since it's break time now I want to go out. I want to see Naomi now, just a few hours but I will miss her right away. It's not halfway through the day, but I miss her. I picked up my phone and called Naomi, and hopefully she would answer my call. 

"Yes, Shua?"

I miss that voice.

"Hello, angel. Do you have a friend now?" I asks her.

"Do you think that I can have a friend?"

I sighed, this is what I said to myself that she won't have a friend because she doesn't socialize.

"Didn't I tell you to try to socialize," I said.  "Didn't you try?" I asks.

"I tried, but I was discouraged." She answered.

I sighed, I don't know how to encourage her and not really wanting to socialize.

"Why don't you want to socialize?" I ask her.

"Because I have trust issues." She answered.

"Trust issues?" I repeated her answer.

"Yeah , I don’t know when I had trust issues. Maybe since when my friend moved? Because she told me she would text me, she promised me. But she didn't text me, maybe that's where it started." She response.

I nodded, maybe I won't force her anymore. She might just get mad at me when I force her to socialize, and besides, it's her choice when she wants to have friends or not.

"By the way, do you already have a friend?" She asks.

"I don't if I have, I talked to her earlier. I really feel like she wants to be a reporter instead of a doctor, because she keeps asking me." I said.

I look like I was a child complaining to his mother, I shook my head because she chuckled in the other line. 

"Let's face it, when you have that kind of friend, it's interesting." She said.

When the bell rang I sighed, I had to hang up the call. 

"Goodbye, my angel. See you later." I said.

"Goodbye too, Shua."

N A O M I ' S  P O V

I was surprised when my manager texted me, I don't have to go to work today because it's first class today so I'm happy. While walking to Joshua's car, where he was already.

"Shua!!" I called him.

He looked at me, when we were close to each other I was able to hug him.

"I miss you my angel." He said.

"You called me earlier, but you still miss me?" I asks him.

"Yeah, of course. But it's okay now because we're together, it's even better than the call." He response.

I chuckled, this man, no matter what he says. We got in his car, he started the engine and started.

"Let's go on a date?" He asks.

I turned to him, when we go on a date we will go home for the night.

"Mom might find me, Shua." I answered.

"I told your Mom earlier while I was waiting for you here, and she agreed." He response.

I smiled, there was nothing I could do because he had already told Mom. So I just agreed to his date offer, there was nothing wrong and he was courting me.

Let's go on a date!

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