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N A O M I ' S  P O V

"I'm nervous Joshua, is this really final?" I ask him.

"Don't be nervous, I'm right here beside you." He replied.

I nodded and took a deep breath, I was ready but I was nervous now especially since we were just opposite the door of Joshua's house. Joshua I know he wasn't nervous when he met my Mom, but I'm just nervous because I'll only meet them now, maybe Joshua's parents will not like me.

"Relax, Naomi, they won't bite." He said and chuckled.

"Stop joking around, Shua." I said.

"Okay then, I'll stop." He said.

When we were in the living room my heart beat faster, I should calm down but how?! We sat on the couch while waiting for Joshua's parents, they might be busy now, but Shua said that now his parents want to see me.

"Jisoo-yah?" I was distracted by the unfamiliar voice.

I saw Shua's parents so I stood up and bowed in front of them, they hugged Joshua of course it's their son. They looked at me, I smiled even though I was nervous, I really needed to calm down.

"Calm down, dear. We won't eat you!" Joshua's mother exclaimed.

"M-mianhae, it's my first time to meet you. I'm Park Naomi." I introduced myself.

"You're so beautiful, Naomi." Joshua's father said and I just nodded, being shy right now.

"Let's eat now! I'm so hungry, and I know that you two are hungry too." Joshua's mom said.

I nodded, I looked at Joshua and he nodded at me, we both followed them to the table, when they sat down we both sat down too.

"So, how did you meet Joshua?" His Mom asks me.

"Because of his friend, I have a crush on his friend before." I answered.

"What do you like about Joshua?" His Dad asks me.

"Being with his self, yeah, the way he talk to my Mom, and having a respect to her." I answered.

"Oh, so Joshua met your mom?" His mother asks me again.

"Yes, he met my mom months ago." I answered.

"That's nice, that's how we taught him, to have respect for the woman, especially for his future girlfriend." His father said.

"And now, we’re facing Joshua’s girlfriend, you’re really beautiful Naomi." His mother said.

"Thank you, ma'am." I thanked her.

"Don't call me, ma'am. Call me auntie or Mom if you're comfortable with it." She said.

I just nodded, I need to get used to it, that's also what Joshua's father said that I would call him uncle. We ate happily, not like us who were just quiet and peaceful, but Joshua also ate quietly when he was with us. It's just laughter here, even though I'm funny, I'm comfortable here because I feel that way.

When our dinner was over I told Joshua's parents that I was going home because Mom was also waiting for me, they also sent me a dish for Mom to eat.

"Thank you, auntie. Until next time." I said.

"We'll see you next time, Naomi, take care." She replied.

I got in Joshua's car and so did he, we said goodbye and left, I'm so happy tonight, I won't forget it. Hopefully my Mom will meet them, they are happy together and I know Mom will be happy when she meets Joshua’s parents.

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