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N A O M I ' S  P O V

"Mom, you'll be here in my apartment first okay? And after I work, we will eat delicious food." I said.

"You don't have to take care of me, I can take care of myself." She said.

"Mom, you can't be alone, you need to be with me." I response.

She sighed, she couldn't do anything so I had to take care of her every day. Besides, I will pay for our daily needs, I was about to leave when she suddenly called me.

"Can you call Joshua?" She asks.

"Mom, maybe he's busy." I answered.

"Just give it a try." She said.

I sighed, took my phone out of the sling bag and called Joshua. He said I would save his number, and if I needed anything I would call him. It took a few more minutes before he could answer, it was really embarrassing.

"Uhm Joshua." I said.

"Yes, you need something?" He asks.

"Mom ask me to call you, she wants you to come here at my apartment." I answered.

There was a long silence on the other line, I don’t know what he was thinking. But it was really embarrassing because I was the one who called, that Mom could have just called him.

"On my way." He said then hung up the call.

I looked at my phone, he went down immediately without my response. I looked at my Mama, I saw her lying on the couch, I don't know if she was asleep or not.

"He's on his way, I'm the one who's ashamed because I'm the one who called Joshua." I said.

"You should have called Joshua." I added.

When I heard the doorbell of my apartment ring I opened the door, I saw Joshua busy on his phone.

"Joshua, I'm sorry, Mom is looking for you." I said.

"No worries, she might been bored if you went off to work." He said.

I nodded at what he said, I let him into my apartment and he walks towards my Mom. I told them I'll go off to work, maybe I'm late.

"How was your mom? Is she alright now?" Lisa asks.

"Yeah, she's fine now." I answered.

"Our manager missed you, you know that?" Jackson says.

"Not likely, if you didn’t tell me too, I wouldn’t know either." I sarcastically said.

"That's a sarcastic one." Yerin says.

"Let's go to work, maybe our manager will scold us." I said.

When we started working we already had customers, and all of a sudden they increased. My work doubled, so when there weren't too many customers, I sat down first. It's really tiring, especially if the food is actually sold and then the costumers will like it.

"You want drinks?" Jackson ask then lend me a drink.

"Yes, thank you." I accepted it and drink.

Jackson has left to serve more drinks to others, there are fewer costumers here now. Since the afternoon, our costumer has become less, but when the night came, I doubled my work. I was worried that Joshua and Mom might not be able to eat yet, so I made a reservation for the two of them.

"I'll go home later when my shift is over." I said.

"We will also go home later when we finish our shift." Jackson says.

"Naomi needs to hurry, because it's her Mom." Yerin says.

"What time is it?" Lisa asks.

"It's 9:48." I answered.

"Our shift is about to end." Yerin says.

[A/N: If you're confused that there are only four of them talking even though there are many others who work at the resto, they are actually the only characters I thought of so just wait for the others.]

After a few minutes the costumers were few, I always looked at the time for me to get dressed and leave the restaurant. When no more costumers came in, I immediately went to where we were getting dressed and left the resto.

"I can really go home." I said.

While carrying the dish I bought for Mom and Joshua, I couldn’t hide the excitement. I don’t know why I was excited, as I approached the apartment building I was already smiling.

Why am I smiling?

When I was in front of the door of my apartment I could not open the door, because if before I was excited now I am nervous. I just opened the door, when I opened it I saw them both laughing.

"Good evening to the two of you." I greeted.

"Oh you're here." Mom says.

"How's work?" She asks.

"It's tiring, but it's manageable." I answered.

"By the way, I bought a dish, maybe you haven't eaten yet." I said.

"We're done eating, Naomi. Joshua bought a dish for the two of us, and it's good that you have a plate and utensils here." Mom says.

I noticed, of course, that Joshua was here. But I didn't expect Joshua to buy, I thought he was just carrying a phone and then he had a car.

"I hope you texted me or something." I said.

"I know you’re busy at work, and I don’t expect you to carry your phone when you work." Mom said.

"I only have my phone in my pocket." I said.

I sighed, I guess I'll just eat alone now. While eating I was looking at the phone, and now that I was going to college I had to think about what course I would take. I remember my dream when I was young, I used to dream of becoming a doctor. But will it be difficult if I become a doctor?

"I'll take medical course for college, and this is final." I said.

When I finished eating I washed the dishes, fortunately I just used the plate I used to wash. Whoever washed the dishes before I am grateful, but if Joshua did the dishes I would be ashamed.

"Naomi, you're Mom fell asleep. She's on her room now." Joshua said when I'm done washing the dishes.

I nodded at what he said, he has to go home now because his parents are looking for him.

"Are you coming home, Joshua? I'll come with you out, do you want to?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure." He answered.

We left my apartment, instead of using the elevator, he went down the stairs first. We were just walking quietly, so the surroundings were a bit awkward. I'm also embarrassed to speak, but I'll thank him later. When we got down and out of the building we stopped, he turned to me and smiled at me. I don't know why, but my heart is beating fast.

"Thank you, Joshua, for agreeing to go with Mom." I said.

"No worries, I'm free anytime." He response.

I nodded, we became quiet again and didn't say a word.

"By the way, are you going to work tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yeah," I answered. "Why?" I ask.

"I will watch over your Mom again," when he said that it made me shock.

"And call me Jisoo, just like your Mom calls me." He added.

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