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J O S H U A ' S P O V

"So, when will we meet your girlfriend, son?" Mom asks.

I was surprised by Mom's question, I looked at Mom and saw that Dad and I were looking at me, I didn't know what to do.

"When do you want? I will tell her." I answer.

"Tomorrow night? Are you free tomorrow night, honey?" He asks my Dad.

"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow, and I should my future daughter-in-law." He answered.

I smiled, I hope they'll like Naomi.

"Tell him that tomorrow night, he will come here to our house," she said.

"Is that okay with you son?" Mom asks.

I nodded and ate again, I was already excited for tomorrow, and I knew I was nervous tomorrow because it was the first time.

Don't be nervous.

N A O M I ' S P O V

"Okay class, who's willing to join the contest?" Our teacher asks.

I stood up, because the others would not join, I saw the teacher nod so he asked me to go to the front to write my name.

"Come to my faculty to tell me what song you chose, understand?" He said.

"Yes sir." I response.

"Okay so that's for today, good bye class." He announced.

I sighed in relief, I'm going to participate in a singing contest again, and I'm a little nervous again. But I can handle it, I left the room and went to the faculty, I looked for our teacher who came in earlier and fortunately he was here at the faculty.

"Oh, Naomi, you're here. Have you already selected a song for the singing contest?" He asks.

"Yes, and I chose the right song." I answered.

"Title?" He asks.

"Till I Met You." I answered.

"Oh, that's a great song you chose. Okay then, I'll excuse you from your subject teachers, so that you can practice." He said.

"But I can't catch up, sir. I need to be present." I response.

"I will tell them to give you a book to study, I will take care of you, the other students who will participate in the singing contest did the same." He said.

I just nodded, I left the faculty and went back to our room, I took my bag and left the classroom again. I went to the music room, and fortunately there was no one, maybe Joshua's group will participate in the singing contest today, or maybe one of his groupmates.

"Till I Met You, okay so let's sing this song." I said to myself.

Okay here we go.

I'm going to play the song so I'll just follow it, even if I don't make a mistake, I have to repeat.

"I never dreamed

'Cause I always thought that dreaming was for kids

Just a childish thing

And I could swear

Love was just a game that children play

And no more than a game."

"'Til I met you

I never knew what love was

'Til I met you

This feeling seems to grow more every day

I love you more each day."

I stopped, not because I made a mistake but I feel like I sang it before, when I remember when I was in elementary school I sang it in the singing contest. I can't deny that I will sing it again, so I won't rehearse, I'll just change a note and I'll take care of the day of the singing contest.

I hope that Joshua will like my performance.

No not like, he will totally love my performance!

I left the music room and went back to my classroom, there was a teacher now but I was not scolded because our adviser told her that I was practicing. When I sat in my chair I just listened to the teacher's lecture, and fortunately I understood right away even though I was a little late for class.

When our class was over I left the classroom and went to the cafeteria, I bought three cheesecakes two fries and a drink, I had been hungry since earlier so now I will eat. I knew someone was watching me because of the food I was carrying, but I didn't care anymore because I was hungry, I went to the rooftop because I was going to eat there.

"Will Joshua come here?" I ask myself.

I just shrugged, I just ate the cheesecake while my attention was on my phone, I was just on Twitter and I couldn't post anything. I was planning to call Joshua, but he call me instead.

"Angel, are you in the rooftop?" He asks in the other line.

"Yes, I'm here in the rooftop." I answered.

"I'll be right there okay?"

"Okay I'll wait for you."

He hung up the call, I put my phone on my bag because I don't have pocket, I thought I didn't have anything to wear for the contest so I should be able to buy clothes later.


I was distracted by that familiar voice, when I saw Joshua that he’s walking towards me he immediately sat down next to me, he hugged me tightly so I had a bit of a hard time eating.

"Hey, I'm eating." I said.

He let go of the hug and looked at me, he chuckled, I don’t know why he chuckled but I seem to be irritated.


"There is dirt in your mouth." He said.

I wiped my mouth with my handkerchief, embarrassed so I had to eat slowly.

"By the way, my parents wants to meet you personally." He said.

Suddenly I choked, I took the juice from the cellophane and drank it, why is it Joshua so sudden eh he shouldn't have said it first.

I was even more nervous!

Will this add to my problem? I don't have a nice dress for the contest, then I have to be representable in front of Joshua's parents, meaning I'll buy two clothes later?

"But Shua, I don't have a nice dress, I was planning to buy a dress later but because of what you said I really need to buy." I said.

"They said, we are half a day now because they will be preparing for the upcoming contest." He said.

"Oh, that's good I guess." I response.

I nodded, so meaning no quiz this afternoon, I ate two cheesecakes and I heard Joshua chuckle.

"You eat a lot, you actually buy two meals a day." He said.

"I'm so hungry so just let me." I said.

He nodded, we left the rooftop and we also left the school, we headed to the parking lot where his car parked. We got in the car and he pulled the car away from the parking lot, I'm really going to buy a dress now and it's good that I have money to buy it, I don't want Joshua to pay alone.

2 Minus 1 | joshua✓ ( School Series )Where stories live. Discover now