Chapter 2: Going Feral On A Monday Afternoon, Yeah

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(Title is a joke, I couldn't come up with a good title sooo.........)
Monday, 4 Apr 20XX
02:15 PM

Yamato: I forgot the existence of this gc whoops
Yamato: Good afternoon everyone!
Teruya: yo, good afternoon too
Teruya: anyways this morning i forgot that today theres no school and i was panicking so i rushed to get ready until yuki texted me
Yuki: Thank god I reminded you, if not then people would be confused on why you're even at school running to class when there really is no school today
Yamato: Kinda forgot why there's no school today tbh, anyone mind telling me?
Mikako: Because the teachers and the headmaster needed to have some kind of meeting
Yamato: Oh ok thanks!!! :)
Teruya: yea thx for reminding me yuki 😔✨
Yuki: No prob!

Akane Is Now Online!

Akane: Hi!
Yuki: Hey Taira!
Teruya: hi hi hiiiii
Yamato: Yo! Hey there!
Mikako: Hi
Akane: Guess what?
Teruya: hm?? what is it?
Akane: Y'all remember that the class rep from class 77 B?
Yuki: Yea, why?
Akane: Well......I met her earlier and she introduced me to a lot of different kinds of games!
Akane: One of the genres were rhythm, it was pretty difficult to deal with, but I tried!
Yamato: Ooooo rhythm! I tried a rhythm game in an arcade once, it was kinda hard lol
Akane: Ooo I see!
Akane: She introduced me to a few rhythm games, most of them are mobile rhythm games tho haha
Akane: One of the rhythm games was one named Arcaea, it has unique gameplay, maybe I'll introduce it to y'all!
Teruya: hmmmm
Teruya: cool
Yuki: Arcaea? Never heard of a name like that, but I'm sure it's a cool one
Akane: Yeah it is!!
Monday, 4 Apr 20XX
07:14 PM

Hibiki: Ayo who was talking about rhythm games???

Me: Making Akane mention and like Arcaea only bc I like that game

(Seriously go play it it has cool and poggers music but it can also be hard lol)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now