Chapter 35: Day 1 (Part 1)

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Today is the last day of my exams fuck yeah!!!

I won't really write anything else about the camping trip arc in the dra/sdra2 but no despair book bc laziness :/

Ok enjoy :)
Monday, 6 June 20XX
12:00 PM

Hibiki: Damn

Hibiki: The activities so far were fun

Yamato: Literally

Yamato: It's pog

Hibiki: Pog indeed

Hibiki: And tonight we talkin about stuff around the campfire

Kanade: super pog

Hibiki: Omg shut up


Yamato: Hibiki.......

Kanade: Waahhh!!! I'm sorry big sis!!!

Hibiki: Yeaj

Hibiki: You should be :/

Yamato: Damn Hibiki

Hibiki: What

Yamato: That's kinda mean, m8

Hibiki: Well whatever

Hibiki: Either way!!

Hibiki: Break time pog

Hibiki: Amirite

Teruya: ywahh

Kobazing: ywah

Teruya: *yeah!!!!??????

Teruya: *!!!!!!!!

Kanata: He even corrected the exclamation marks...

Kanata: Amazing...

Kizuna: u find that amazing????

Kanata: Well, kind of ^^"

Teruya: pog :)

Yamato: Idk wtf is happening anymore
Hibiki only sighed as she put her phone into her bag of stuff that she bought with her to the camping trip.

She then walked out of the tent, having a new objective: Find someone to hang out with. She thought of Yamato for a moment, before shaking her head.

Hibiki: "Eh, he's probably with his sister or his goddamn possibly mentally unstable boyfriend of his."

Hibiki once again sighed. She walked aimlessly, looking around, seeing if there's anyone who's alone right now. She suddenly thought of Kanade, and decided to find her.

Hibiki looked around to see if Kanade is around or not. It took her quite awhile to find that twin sister of hers, but nonetheless she finally found her in the end.

Only to see her hanging out with Iroha.

Hibiki: "Hmph! She's always with her girlfriend now! Now who should I hang out with?!"

Hibiki then thought of Setsuka, and decided to find her.

She walked around again, looked around again, tried to find her girlfriend again, but somehow there was no sign of her.

After awhile however, she finally found her, talking with Nikei for some reason.

Hibiki: "Ugh, Nikei....What is he doing?"

Hibiki shaked her head afterwards. She knows Nikei doesn't like Setsuka THAT much, so maybe there's no worrying after all.

She walked up to the both of them.

Hibiki: "Hey!"

Setsuka: "Ah, hey Biki!"

Nikei: "Oh, hi Hibiki!"

Hibiki: "So....What are y'all talking about?"

Nikei: "Well, there's this rumor going around that this campsite has some supernatural stuff going on."

Nikei: "I think it's a great scoop!"

Setsuka: "Yeah, this campsite's in a forest, as you can yell, Biki."

Setsuka: "Some people say that in the forest there's a creature lurking around the forest, trying to find good...."

Setsuka: "Haha! It sounds stupid and nobody would believe in that. You wouldn't believe in that too, right Biki?"

Hibiki: "....E-eh...? Really...?"

Hibiki fell silent for a moment, before shaking her head yet again. There's no such thing as a creature going around the forest looking for food, right?



Hibiki: "Oh! Ahem-! Yeah! Of course I wouldn't believe in some stupid rumor like that! Haha!"

Nikei, smirking: "Really? You sure you're not scared or anything?"

Hibiki: "W-wha-?! Of course I'm not scared! Why would I be, huh?!"

Setsuka: "Haha! Well if you say so."

The three of them continued talking for quite awhile. Little did they know three people are eavesdropping their conversation and are coming with a plan involving the rumor.
OoOoOoO i WoNdEr WhO cOuLd ThEy Be~~~?

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now