Chapter 39: Day 7 (Part 1)

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Ok enjoy
Sunday, 12 June 20XX
11:30 AM

Yuki: We boutta leave soon oh no

Hibiki: FUCK

Setsuka: well look at the bright side tho!

Setsuka: our summer break will start after this




Yoruko: Relatable af

Sora: Literally

Kanade: i relate to yuki on a high lever ig lmao

Iroha: Exactly my reaction :D

Yuki: Dayum

Yuki: Never thought I'm a relatable person lol

Yamato: Well ig you just are lol

Akane: Either way, everyone pack your stuff!

Akane: All of us should be on the bus by around 12 PM!!

Yuki: Alright!

Akane And 1 Other Are Now Offline.

Sora: Let's get to packing, everyone

Yoruko: Ok

Kanade: alr lol

Hibiki: Mhm

Setsuka: k

Yamato: Ok ok!!

Sora And 5 Others Are Offline.


Iroha: Ok

Iroha Is Now Offline.
All of the students managed to go into the bus without leaving one out, and now they're just gonna sit on their seats and go on with the rest of the ride.

The students of class 79 A and B are messing around in the bus though, whether it's just playing games, talking, joking around, or just straight up saying fuck you to each other.

In the class 79-B bus, Sora only sighed as she leaned over to the window and looked at the view. The bus already moved a few minutes ago, so of course she can see trees and some other things passing by.

Yoruko fell asleep, Yuki's talking with Shinji and Hajime, Iroha also fell asleep with Kanade, Syobai ALSO fell asleep out of boredom, Mikado and Nikei are doing their shenanigans, and when I say shenanigans, I mean't either arguing or just talking like normal people would do.

Yuri's trying his best to talk to Emma and Kokoro and he's miserably failing, Hibiki's on her phone, Setsuka's looking out to the window, and that's the gist of it.

Before she knew it, Sora already fell asleep too.
Meanwhile, in the class 79-A bus...

"AKANE! PASS ME THAT WATER BOTTLE ALREADY!" Teruya yelled as he extended a hand out to Akane who sighed as she tries to get a water bottle from a box of a few and grabs one. She then proceeds to throw it at the merchant. However, it ended up landing on his face instead.

"OOF! OUCH!" Teruya yelped in pain. "Uwah!! Teruya are you okay?!" Satsuki asked in a panic, trying to see if Teruya hurt himself or not. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, don't worry, Satsuki." Teruya responded.

"AH! I'M SO SORRY, OTORI-KUN!" Akane yelled out, trying her best to be loud enough for Teruya to hear in the middle of all of the chattering of the other students. "IT'S FINE!!!! DON'T WORRY!!!!" Teruya yelled back.

"Why am I still here...?" Utsuro muttered to himself. Haru can hear it, however. "Just to suffer." He replied blankly. "Ouch." Utsuro sarcastically said, he didn't really show much emotion while saying that, though. Like always.

"NICO-NICO-NII!!!!!" Yamato yelled out. "YAMATO-NI NO!" Mikako yelled back, trying to make her brother just stop already. He didn't stop, though. Tsurugi just doesn't know anymore.

Kiyoka and Kizuna are just talking like normal. Mitch just yells "SHUT UP!!!!" to everyone. He didn't managed to get anyone's attention though. Good.

Ayame only sighed and shrugged, marking this as 'a normal day for the class'. You can clearly tell she's trying her best not to lose her sanity. Kinji, Kakeru, and Kanata are asleep. How can they even sleep when their classmates are so fucking loud?

Oh, and Rei is just done with all of this bullshit already. She wanted to sleep, but she can't.


Why does this bus have to be more chaotic than the other bus? Even I don't know...

Chaos <333

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now