Chapter 83: HUH????

59 2 4

Oh? 👀

Ok enjoy :)
Poggy pog pog
Monday, 15 May 20XX
03:08 PM

Yuki: Guys i just saw something

Sora: What is it?

Yuki: So there's a reserve course student who just looked at a main course student without the main course student noticing and they were all like.

Yuki: Uhhh

Yuki: Idk actually

Yuki: But they looked like they muttered something but idk what they were muttering

Kiyoka: OH????

Kanata: Huh????

Iroha: HUH????

Sora: Hm, that's something....

Sora: A reserve course student, you say?

Yuki: Mhm

Sora: Hmm, i've only known a few reserve course students

Sora: Umi, Ryo, Hajime Hinata who alreadt graduated....

Sora: Komaru.....And that's all the ones i know.

Sora: What do they look like?

Yuki: They had wavy pink hair and.....yeah, that's it

Yuki: Idk about y'all, but they look rather suspicious...

Kanata: Hmm, maybe I should stop by at the reserve course building to look around

Kanata: Maybe to also stop by and say hi to Ms. Naegi! ^^

Sora: I'll come with you, if that's fine with you, Kanata

Kanata: Of course I won't mind!

Kanata: I might need some company anyway

Iroha: I wonder who that really is......

Kiyoka: Me too

Kiyoka: But i'm sure Sora and Kanata can solve the mystery for us!

Yuki: Yeah! We'll be counting on you two!

Kanata: I'll do my best!

Sora: Alright :)

A girl with wavy pink hair walks through the hallways of the reserve course building, looking down to the ground to watch her steps.

She didn't care if she bumped into anyone, to be honest. The only thing she cares about is to just get to the rooftop and get some fresh air.

Once she made it to the rooftop, she looked down towards the view. It was beautiful, she muttered. That wasn't a lie, she really does think that the world is a beautiful place.

But then again, the world could be a scary place too.

The girl thinks that this world is like a two-faced person, or maybe in other words, the world has two sides.

One side, the world could be a beautiful and hopeful place, where people would be happy there.

On the other hand, the world could also be a scary and despairful place, where people would feel absolute despair.

Where people would feel pain.

Where people would want to end it.

She was once like those people, but she felt like it's no use to weep around, so she gave up on despairing any longer.

The girl sighed as she felt the cold breeze blow against her.
Oh???? OH?????

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now