Chapter 78: Suzumiya Airi...? What's Up With Her?

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Takes place after the Airi focus chapter in the other book lol

Go read that first so that shit can make sense

Oh and TW! Mentions of commiting unalive and mentions of death!

Ok enjoy :)
Poggy pog pog
Monday, 10 Apr 20XX
07:03 PM

Kiyoka: Umm guys??

Kizuna: yea?

Kiyoka: I heard that there were two students who were about to jump off of the rooftop...


Yamato: Who?!

Kiyoka: Idk

Syobai: i know about it.

Yamato: Really?! Then who are those people?!

Syobai: heard it was that lyricist girl and her possible fashion designer gf idk.

Yamato: Lyricist and fashion designer...?

Kizuna: who in the name of fuck would have those talents in this school?

Kiyoka: Hmm...

Yamato: Holy shit.

Yamato: Fuck.

Yamato: It was Airi and Miyuki, wasn't it?

Syobai: yeah, those girls.

Syobai: don't know wtf was going on with them, but things don't seem good for them.

Yamato: I'd never thought Miyuki would do that too...

Tsurugi: That really happened?

Kiyoka: Uh huh

Tsurugi: Did they jumped off?

Kiyoka: No thankfully, they got saved by the some of the first years.

Tsurugi: Goddamnit.

Yamato: I knew that Airi might do something like that someday but Miyuki...

Kokoro: Miyuki seems to know how to hide her struggles pretty well.

Kokoro: But I know that she has her own problems for sure.

Yamato: I should ask Miyuki about it tomorrow.

Nikei: damn, that's a scoop

Kizuna: bruh

Nikei: but either way, that's no good

Kiyoka: Exactly!

Kiyoka: And you're right, Yamato, you should ask Miyuki about it

Yamato: I will. And I'm sure I'll get an answer soon.

Yamato: Maybe asking Airi about it wouldn't hurt either.

Tsurugi: Should I come?

Mikako: Yeah, maybe i should come too maybe...?

Yamato: Yeah, sure, just come.....

Mikako: Alright

Ok bye for now :)

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