Chapter 38: Day 6

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Day 6

Possibly their last day and then day 7 they just go bye bye from the campsite lmfao

Uhhhhh either way

Ok enjoy :)
Saturday, 11 June 20XX
05:02 AM

Hibiki: Niigo len is real

Tsurugi: Oh, Hibiki, I thought you wouldn't be up so early.

Tsurugi: Wait, wdym?

Hibiki: Niigo len is real.

Tsurugi: Huh?

Hibiki: Niigo len is real.

Tsurugi: Hibiki, are you ok?

Tsurugi: What the hell are you talking about??


Hibiki Is Now Offline.

Tsurugi: .

Tsurugi: What the actual fuck????

Sora Is Now Online!

Sora: I never knew that there's ppl who are online in an hour like this


Sora: What the fuck

Tsurugi: I feel you on that

Sora: I wonder what's up with Hibiki

Kanade: its probs abt proseka

Sora: Oh

Sora: Oh wait

Sora: Isn't that the thing Hibiki likes

Kanade: ye

Tsurugi: Ah

Tsurugi: I see now


Tsurugi: You know what?

Kanade: what

Tsurugi: I'll just have a morning walk and, well, refresh my mind.

Tsurugi: Bye for now

Tsurugi Is Now Offline.

Kanade: ye whatever nobody cares

Sora: Oh shut it already Kanade
Tsurugi got out of his tent and stretched his arms for a bit. Afterwards, he started his morning walk.

He somehow stumbled upon some teachers, and talked to them for a good while before parting ways with them.

He then stopped by at a lake and sat on one of the seats near it, sighing.

Was this what he really wanted?



Being able to be with the people he cares about?


Being like this forever?


Probably no.

Is this what he wanted for so long?

To be able to have a normal life?

To not be someone who's fighting crime ever since they were young?

...Is it?

Is it, Kinjo?

What do you want in life, huh?

Is it for all crime in the world to end?


That's exactly what you wanted.

But is it possible for you to achieve that dream?




No, right?

Then why...

Why do you have such a stupid dream like that, Kinjo?

It's stupid.

You'll never be able to fulfill that dream and go on in life.

You can't.

You can't.

You can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you CAN'T YOU CAN'T YOU CAN'T YOU CA-





As Kinjo said that, he grabbed a rock and threw it at the lake. After that, he fell silent.

He only sat back on the seat, groaning. What in the world did he just do? Why did he do that? Why did he have those kind of thoughts?

He sighed, shaking his head. He can get an answer on that question. Will he be able to achieve that dream of his?


He doubts it, but it's still his priority. Even if he has to attend Hope's Peak Academy for the next three years, he still won't give up on that dream.

"I don't understand...." He muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. It kept on getting closer and closer to the point where he decided to get up from his seat and confront them.

However, when he was about to do that...

"No, don't. Just- ....Just sit there. I'll sit beside you."

That voice is all too familiar to him.

He heard the footsteps getting closer before he felt someone sitting beside him. He turned his head to none other than Yamato Kisaragi.

...Oh, it just HAD to be him, I mean, Miyu--


Nevermind. Continuing.

"Heh, I'd never thought you'd be so deep into your thoughts like that...." Yamato turned to the police officer, who looked pretty stressed out.

Sighing, the inventor pat Kinjo's shoulder. "It's only early in the morning. Why do you have to stress out about the little things so early in the morning?"

"Because it's not. It's not a little thing." Kinjo replied, looking down to the ground. "Hey, it's alright, I'm here. If you have anything to tell me, just tell me. I won't be hesitant to listen to whatever you wanna say." Yamato said.

That reminded Kinjo of the time when he said that to the Yamato.

"....Yeah, maybe I'll tell you, but not now." He spoke up. "I can understand that." Yamato said, looking over to the lake.

Suddenly, he felt a bit blinded by a light. He tried looking over to where the 'light' is coming from, and saw that it was coming from the rising sun.

It looked beautiful.

And maybe with Kinjo by his side, it felt even more impactful somehow.

Heh, that's weird.
Depresso expresso


I love Ichika Hoshino

You should too

If you know who she is, that is

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now