Intermission 4: A Cold Winter Night

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Today, I am happy.


Us Arcaea fans have been waiting for this moment for so long, and it's finally here!


Yeah, sorry, that was SUPER unrelated to dra or sdra2, but just wanted to put that out somehow :)

Ok enjoy :)
The night is cold. Very cold. It's what you can expect from a winter night, after all.

Yamato isn't asleep yet however, since he decided to just stay up for the night to make a random invention. What is it, exactly? Even I, the narrator, don't know at all. Damn.

He's a bit cold however. Unfortunately, he didn't made any hot chocolate for himself, so now he'll have to feel the cold a little more longer. His invention isn't even done yet, and he wants to finish it quick.

Suddenly, while he was still working, he heard a knock from his door. He jolted up a bit in shock, before regaining his composure. "Who is it?" He called out. Who could be knocking at his door in a time like this? It's so late at night, he was sure that at least almost everyone at Hope's Peak are asleep by now.

"It's me, Mikako." The person called out from the other side of the door. Yamato walked up to the door and opened it for his sister. She eventually got inside of his dorm with a cup of hot chocolate.

"Here, since it's cold, you'll need this, right?" Mikako said as she gave the hot chocolate to Yamato. "...Mikako...This isn't really necessary." He reassured nervously. The fact that his own sister stayed up late at night like this to make him hot chocolate worries him.

"But it really is. I just know that you're making a new invention right now. It's best to take care of yourself too, though." Mikako said. "Hm...Eh, you're probably right. That invention could wait until a few days later. For now, I'll finish this hot chocolate and then I'll sleep." Yamato said, smiling. He then took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Thanks, Mikako! I actually needed this while I was working on that invention of mine, but eh, I was lazy. Haha!" He said, laughing the last sentence off. "Haha, no problem, Yamato-ni. Just get some rest after finishing that hot chocolate of yours, alright?" Mikako asked, to which her brother nodded.

Yeah, maybe he does need to get some rest for tonight.
Mato mato~ Mato mato to your heart~

Do not ship these two k? :)


Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now