Chapter 36: Day 1 (Part 2)

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I'm in a good mood weeee~!

Ok enjoy :)
Monday, 6 June 20XX
05:57 PM

Yamato: Campfire event in an hour omg

Akane: I'm so excited!! What about y'all?

Sora: I'm not even sure tbh


Yuki: What in the world does that even mean???

Yoruko: That just means she doesn't know how to feel

Yoruko: Right Sora??

Sora: Yeah, that

Akane: Ah-

Akane: I see now

Teruya: super poggy pog pog


Kanata: P

Kanata: Poggy pog pog?

Yamato: BRUH 😭😭😭😭

Kobazing: WTF TERUYA

Satsuki: LOL

Yuki: Managed to screenshot it

Yuki: It was so hilarious

Teruya: lol haha woah
After a little while, everyone finally was able to sit around the campfire and talk about stuff, or maybe even tell some stories.

Luckily for Nikei, he knows just what to tell his classmates.

Nikei: "Guys! Have y'all heard about the rumor surrounding this place?"

Sora: "Oh, well no, what is it like anyway?"

Nikei: "Well I'm glad you asked..."

Nikei: "There's this creature who would go around the forest near this campsite, looking for food."

Nikei: "Who knows? Maybe that 'food' is a human like us~?"

Iroha: "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!"

Hajime: "I- Nikei...."

Nikei: "Haha! Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just wanted to tell-"

Before Nikei can finish his sentence, he heard random noises coming from the forest near the campsite.

Nikei's POV: "Huh? Sounds like the sounds of bushes moving...."

From a distance, he can hear students talk about it. They heard it too, huh?

Miu: "HEEEEEE???!!! What the fuck was that?!"

Himiko: "Nyeh....I don't know....."

???: "HUWAAAA!!!!!"

Suddenly, Nikei can hear a scream coming from the forest. Shocked, he looked over to see Satsuki running out of the forest. Since when did she got into the forest?

Yuki: "S-Satsuki?! What's wrong?!"

Akane: "Yeah! What's wrong, Satsuki-chan?!"

Satsuki: "E-earlier, Satsuki saw......A MONSTER!!!! AND IT GOT KOBAZING AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!"

Nikei: "Wait....WHAT?!"

Iroha: "HUUUEEEE????!!!!"

Nikei: ".....O-oh c'mon, Satsuki....There's no such thing as mons-"

Nikei gets interrupted yet again by noises of footsteps coming from the forest. He felt like something was behind him. The others already ran a little farther from the campfires near the forest.

Anxious, Nikei turned around.

Only to see a weird ass looking creature.


He was a bit too shocked to the point that he fainted to the ground. The others could only watch, with mixed expressions.

Some were shocked, some looked neutral about it, some looked at the 'creature' in horror.

Iroha: "N-N-Nikei?!"

Yoruko: "Ah! The monster made him faint?!"

Yoruko fell silent for a moment after saying that, and then opened her mouth to say something else.

Yoruko: "Wait a minute, that can't be an actual monster, right?"

Yuki: "H-how do you know that...?"

???: "Haha!!"

Everyone heard a laugh coming from the 'monster' and turned their attention to them.

Slowly, the 'monster' took off the costume of said monster....

To reveal Teruya.

Hibiki: ".....HUH????!!!!!"

Nikei: "....Huh...? W..what?"

Emma: "Oh my god, Nikei! Are you okay?!"

Nikei: "Y-yeah....I'm good....But, where's the..."

Teruya: "Haha! The monster? Right here~?"

Teruya pointed towards himself jokingly, and seeing this, Nikei immediately stood up from his laying down position.

He definitely looked angry.

Satsuki: "Hahaha~! We scared him for sure, Teruya!!!"

Teruya: "We sure did!"

Nikei: "Ugh!!! You piece of shit!"

Kizuna: Ugh, fucking damnit! You scared me!"

Teruya: "Well that's the whole point! Haha!"

Tsurugi: "Wait, then what happened to Kobashikawa-?"

???: "Fuck!"

All attention was on none other than Haruhiko Kobashikawa, the person who just said fuck.

He was all soaked and wet. What the fuck happened?

Haru: "Teruya why the fuck did you have to push me into the lake?! I thought you wanted me to cooperate with your plan!"

Teruya: "Yeah, uh, I was joking about that."

Teruya: "Besides! This costume only fits one person, so I was like, "Oooh....Nevermind then!""

A groan can be heard from the pilot.

Satsuki: "Haha! Hey....At least you got involved indirectly~!"

Teruya: "Sorry, Haru, we both still love you~"

Haru: *Sigh* "Yeah, yeah...." *Smiles*

Chisa: "What on earth happened here?"

Chiaki: "Oh, Ms. Yukizome. I'll explain later."

After that, the rest of the night went normally.
Uhhhh part 3 will come out soon

And I might need to not make a chapter for some other days, so it's just gonna be day 1, 5, 6, and the final day (aka the day they leave the campsite lol).

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now