Chapter 110: A Busy Day

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Time skip to the current time today ig, August 12th!

Ok enjoy :)
Chill :)
Monday, 12 Aug 20XX
07:35 PM

Hibiki: Uhhhhhhhhh

Hibiki: UMM

Hibiki: It rained hard today, huh??

Yamato: Well yea lmao

Yamato: I even heard a school's building got fucking damaged bc of the wind

Yamato: Not hope's peak tho

Hibiki: Big oof

Hibiki: If anyone sees this press f in the chat pls ty in advance

Hibiki: F

Yamato: F

Yamato: Anyways, it's so silent here these days


Hibiki: Everyone's so busy

Hibiki: They're working hard <3

Yamato: Fr fr :)

Hibiki: Whatever, i'm gonna go back to vocal practicing

Yamato: Yea, ok bye then lol

Hibiki: Yeaaaa take care!!

Yamato: Same goes to you! :)

Hibiki Is Now Offline.

Yamato Is Now Offline.
It's not the same as it was.
Uhhhh guess what the last part there is referencing bc it's supposed to reference something lmfao

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now