Chapter 113: French Fries Yum Yum

56 1 6

Cry abt it /j /nsrs

Ok enjoy :)
Tuesday, 16 Aug 20XX
01:00 PM

Kobazing: [Picture of french fries, yum yum.]

Yamato: Jealousy

Yamato: Betrayal


Teruya: you enjoying that m8

Kobazing: obv

Satsuki: slay ‼️‼️‼️‼️


Kinji: To this day i still don't understand what slay means

Yuki: Oof

Yuki: I don't have the urge to explain it to you tho

Teruya: can ijdksjsiqksksfkk

Rei: No.

Kinji: Mekaru? You're with Teruya right now?

Rei: Yes.

Rei: Actually, I'm with him and Kinjo right now.

Teruya: REI >:(

Teruya: i meant mekaru whoopsie

Teruya: MEKARU >:(

Rei: You do not have the right to explain what 'slay' means to Uehara.

Kinji: I am rather curious though

Teruya: see? he IS curious

Teruya: kinji youre such a boomer!

Teruya: not gonna explain what boomer means btw, thatll be for next time ☆

Yamato: Why did you picked up Miyuki's typing habit

Teruya: OH?????


Yamato: LMAO

Teruya: anyways

Teruya: slay meanansjsnsksjdkdnksnaksmdkdmfmdkwmdksksosndiefjdkno.

Rei: Sorry about that. Kinjo took his phone.

Yamato: I can see the no in the end lmfao

Rei: Exactly.

Satsuki: dont worry kinji!! maybe next time youll learn what it means~!

Kinji: Well i hope so

Kinji: I'm rather curious as to what it means

Yuki: Haha, yeah

Yuki: Just don't take it the wrong way tho

Yuki: Ahem, pardon me

Yuki Is Now Offline.

Yamato: Well he's a lot different than before-

Teruya: ye
No there's nothing wrong with Yuki btw lmao

Slay ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Ok bye for now :)

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