Chapter 49: Not Bad Afternoon

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I named the title after a name for a Proseka OST lmfao

I might publish a lot of chapters per day bc of motivation suddenly going stonks LOL

Ok enjoy :)
Poggy pog pog
Wednesday, 20 July 20XX

Mikado: Hm, the group chat is fairly quiet today, huh?

Nikei: Well ig so

Emma: Mhm

Mikado: So....

Mikado: How is your afternoon so far?

Nikei: Eh, pretty decent ig

Nikei: I haven't gotten any good scoops lately, so that's something

Iroha: Oof

Hajime: You haven't found any scoops?????

Nikei: Ye :(

Nikei: But overall aside from that it's not too bad

Emma: Oh, i see

Emma: Well my afternoon is pretty great!

Emma: Soon, around 4 o clock, I'm gonna have a date with Kokoro!

Nikei: Huh, you finally got what you wanted since May

Emma: Yeah i did!! And i'm glad! ^^

Iroha: Yay!

Hajime: Well about your afternoon, Iroha?

Iroha: Oh!

Iroha: Well I went to the school's garden and painted the flowers there!

Iroha: So my afternoon is pretty great!

Mikado: Oh, I see.

Hajime: Well i didn't do much this afternoon

Hajime: The only big thing i did today was working out with Shinji and Yuki this morning, that's all there is to it

Hajime: Pretty boring, but not too bad i guess

Mikado: Your afternoons are fairly something

Mikado: My afternoon is pretty much plain boring, like Mr. Makunouchi's.

Mikado: I only practiced a bit of my magic once again, even though I do know that I'm already good at it

Nikei: You're sooooo big mouthed about yourself, huh??

Mikado: Oh shut it, I am the Ultimate Wizard after all

Nikei: Well sure, whatever

Emma: Alright, end that conversation there-

Emma: I don't wanna see fighting from you both for today

Hajime: Yeah, Emma's got a point

Iroha: Mhm! Don't fight today pls!!

Nikei: Well sure ig

Mikado: Pfffffff

Mikado: Fine

Mikado: I guess we all had a not too bad afternoon

Iroha: Yeah

Iroha: Not bad afternoon :)
Woah a chapter title reference in a chatpter?????!!!!!!! Amazing????!!!!!

Ok bye for now :)

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