Chapter 18: Sonia And Chiaki Sus

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Sonia and Chiaki kinda sus bruh

Ok soooo they also have a discord server. They don't talk much in the discord server since they're already in a gc, but they're there anyways.

Instead, they use the discord server to like- start random calls when it's around 7:30 PM to talk about random stuff or talk about their day. Kinda like 25ji, Nightcord de does lmao.

Ok enough explanation, enjoy <3

(Extra note:
Idk how tf discord calls work since I've never been on one, so forgive me there's something I fucked up on!)
In a discord call...
Wednesday, 25 May 20XX.
Around 07:30 PM.

Yuki Has Entered The Call!

Yuki: "Hey y'all!"

Hibiki: "Hey!"

Yamato: "Hey hey!!"

Yuki: "I was smiling at a picture of a cat earlier."

Kokoro: "I think I get where you are coming from."

Yuki: "Haha, I see..." *Nervous chuckles*

Tsurugi: "Guys."

Yamato: "Yeah~?"

Hibiki: "Hm?"

Tsurugi: "Nanami-senpai and Sonia-senpai are acting a bit....suspicious, lately."

Teruya: "Eh? How come?"

Tsurugi: "They're always together recently. Even in the school festival last week they were always together, and they looked suspicious too."

Tsurugi: "It's not like me to say something like this, I know, but I feel like there's something going on between those two."

Tsurugi: "And to be completely honest, I wanna get to the bottom of it."

Yuki: "....O-oh."

Haruhiko: "Damn, there's gotta be something going on with them, huh?"

Satsuki: "There has to be something going on with them! They're really sus lately!"

Teruya: "....."

Teruya: "....Satsuki. Did you just say 'sus' out loud...?"

Satsuki: "Oh! Yeah! Satsuki DID say 'sus' out loud, haha!"

Haruhiko, muttering: "God I love this girl so much-"

Kokoro: "Hm, maybe they're just being great friends, no need to be too suspicious of their behaviour towards each other."

Tsurugi: "No, like, hear me out."

Tsurugi: "They're always together. Even once I saw them walking down the hallways just talking to each other, and they were exchanging VERY suspicious looks."

Tsurugi: "God, how do I even call it...'Fruity'....? Yeah, maybe, maybe fruity looks."

Yamato: "......"

Yamato: "Tsurugi."

Tsurugi: "Yes?"

Yamato: "...You..."




Satsuki: "OH WOW!!!!"

Kokoro: "He.....He really just said the word that people describe when two people of the same gender are acting a little.....suspicious, towards each other, huh?"

Yamato: "He really did! Oh fuck!"

Yamato: "Tsurugi, just so y'know, I'm proud of you. I wish I can at least hug you right now for god's sake...." *Random sniffles*

Tsurugi: "........" *Sigh* "Well, moving on from that."

Tsurugi: "I wanna get to the bottom of this, even if it means spying on them to know what exactly is going on with them."

Haruhiko: "Ooooh! So we're gonna stalk them?"

Teruya: "We're stalkin' them?!"


Tsurugi: "N-no! Not stalking! That's just downright wrong!"

Yamato: "Yeah guys!! Listen to him! He would never want us or himself to stalk someone!"

Hibiki: "......Damn, Mato, you're really standing up beside your boyfriend huh?"

Yamato: "Well obviously! I love him after all~!"

Tsurugi: "......Yeah, whatever."

Yamato: "Haha~! Tsunderugi is acting up again~! How cute~!"

Tsurugi: *Sigh* "Enough of that, Kisaragi...We're on a call with other people."

Teruya: "....Damn yeah Tsurugi's right. I think Yuki's sobbing in a corner right now since his girlfriends aren't here."

Yuki: "N-no I'm not sobbing in a corner! What makes you think that?!"

Teruya: "Oh- Nevermind then."

Haruhiko: "UNLESS! Teruya's feeling single...."

Satsuki: "Oh right! Teruya doesn't have a partner yet after all!"

Teruya: "Wha-" *Slams desk* "Hey! Quit that you two!"

*Haruhiko and Satsuki just fucking laugh*

Kokoro: "Well the idea of spying on them a bit wouldn't be a bad idea. Though I might have to not participate in this plan since I have some other stuff to do."

Hibiki: "That's totally understandable, Koko! We understand!"

Hibiki: "To make it up to Koko's absence, I'll br joining in with y'all in this plan!"

Yamato: "Cool! What about the sunshine trio?"

Teruya: *Sigh* "We'll come too, right Haru? Satsuki?"

Haruhiko: "Yep! Trust us to make this a success!"

Satsuki: "Uh-huh~!"

Tsurugi: "Well this plan was randomly made out of nowhere, but nonetheless we'll deal with it anyway."

Yamato: "To find out what's going on with Sonia and Chiaki!"

Hibiki and the sunshine trio altogether: "To find out what's going on with Sonia and Chiaki!"

Yuki: "I think I'll come along too then! I guess it'll be fun...hehe."

Satsuki: "Yay~! The more the merrier, am I right?!"

Teruya: "Hell yeah!!!"

Kokoro: "Well I'll be logging off for now, I'll see you both tomorrow, Yuki and Hibiki."

Yuki: "Ah alright, bye then!"

Hibiki: "Bye Koko!"

Kokoro Has Left The Call.
This plan was made to make all of Tsurugi's curiosities disappear. Tsurugi could only hope that things would go smoothly.
Sonia and Chiaki sus as hell.

Uhhhh anyways yeaaaaaa

Ok bye for now lol :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now