Chapter 37: Day 5

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Woah hi cool ppl

Ok enjoy lol
Friday, 10 June 20XX
10:07 PM

Iroha: Well that was tiring....

Nikei: Iroha's got a point


Kanata: Well at least we all had fun!

Kanata: And I feel slightly more fit after that activity, so I'm glad ^^

Akane: That's great to hear, Kanata-chan!

Teruya: did u guys see where yuki went

Mikako: Idk

Mikako: Hold on

Mikako: @Yuki

Yuki Is Now Online!

Yuki: Yeah?

Teruya: yo

Teruya: wanna hang out

Teruya: im near the log seats whatever theyre called lol

Yuki: Sure :)

Teruya: pog

Teruya Is Now Offline.

Yuki Is Now Offline.
While Yuki and Teruya are hanging out, Hibiki and Yamato decided to hang out and do some 'friend shit', as they would call it.

The 'friend shit' means......uh......Messing around with other people. They'll be messing around with someone.

That someone being Tsurugi Kinjo, sadly.

What they're gonna do is, well, annoy the shit out of him. They know that this isn't gonna end well, but they're like 'fuck it, let's do it anyway!'.

After a little while of searching for the police officer, they finally found him.

Hibiki: "Hey, Tsuru!"

Yamato: "Tsuru~!"

Tsurugi: "Oh, hey you two. What's wrong?"

Hibiki: "Eh, nothing really wrong in particular!"

Yamato: "Yeah!"

Tsurugi: "Hm, okay then. I'll go talk to someone now-"

Yamato: "Waaaahhhh!!!! Why though?!"

Hibiki: "Yeah!!! We wanna keep nagging you!!!"

Tsurugi: "But- Wait, what?"

Tsurugi fell silent for a moment, before turning to them with an angry expression on his face.

Tsurugi: "What in the name of fuck? Don't."

Yamato: "C'mon Tsurugi!! Don't leave us!!"

Hibiki: "Yeah!!! We wanna annoy you a little, hehe~!"

Tsurugi: "Oh my fucking god....Don't even try to annoy me!"

Hibiki: "Oooohhh!! Tsunderugi~!"

Yamato: "Tsurugily dookily~"

Hibiki: "Coppy cop cop~!"

Yamato: "Rugi~!"

Tsurugi: "Ugh....Shut up you two!"

Tsurugi, already too annoyed, quickly walks away from them. The inventor and the vocalist only smirked at him and then at each other.

Yamato: "Hehe~! We did it!"

Hibiki: "We fucking did, alright!"

Yamato: "Either way, there's a game of tug of....whatever it's called after that, after this one."

Hibiki: "Ugh...Not that game...."

Yamato: "Haha! I was expecting that reaction from you, to be honest. I mean, c'mon you're pretty short plus your body's small, so of course you can't pull the rope!"

Hibiki: "Well yeah- Wait, what?!"

Hibiki: "Hey! Watch your mouth!"

Yamato: "Pfft- ahaha!" Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry..."

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now