Chapter 16: Something Is Off.

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THANKS IG???? OMG?????

Anyways, I'm having Mizuki Akiyama brainrot so if you see my pfp abd that background picture behind it no you didn't /j

Oh, and go read my other story "DRA/SDRA2 But No Despair", this chatfic and that fic are connected to each other since they both take place in non-despair AUs

Ok enjoy :)
Exams are coming bitches
Monday, 23 May 20XX
07:01 PM

Hibiki: Omg

Hibiki: Omg guys

Yamato: Nani???

Hibiki: Mizuki

Hibiki: Mizuki akiyama

Hibiki: OMG

Hibiki Is Now Offline.

Yamato: Damn :)

Yamato: Very great message you sent there Hibiki, definitely gonna remember it until the day I die :)

Kiyoka: HELP

Kiyoka: 😭😭😭😭😭

Yamato: Lmfao

Yamato: Anyways, me and Tsurugi met this nice upperclassman earlier!

Akane: Oooo really? Who is it?

Akane: Are they from class 77 or class 78?

Yamato: If I'm not wrong, she's from class 78 B

Yamato: Her name is Airi Suzumiya! She's just so nice! Isn't that right, Tsurugi?

Tsurugi: Well, yes, that is true.

Akane: Oh! Airi Suzumiya.....the Ultimate Lyricist?

Yamato: YEA HER

Akane: I met her a few days ago, she really is nice! ^^

Kiyoka: Oooo that's cool!

Tsurugi: You said that she was nice, then why were you so quiet after meeting her, exactly?

Yamato: Uhhh well-

Yamato: UHHHH


Yamato: I'm so sorry for this Airi-senpai......

Yamato: There's something about her smile earlier that made me feel like something

Mikako: Oh god once he uses punctuations we know he's being serious...

Hibiki Is Now Online!

Hibiki: I'm back!

Hibiki: Oh, and you feel like something's off about Riri's smile?

Yamato: Uh-huh.

Hibiki: DAMN


Yamato: Oh shut it....I'm doing serious talk right now, we all gotta at least stay serious on this topic.

Hibiki: Hm, you're right ig, go on and continue talking about it with everyone else

Kokoro: Hm, why do you feel like something is off with her smile, exactly?

Yamato: Well, there's just something really wrong about it. I don't really know why, but it made her look like she's faking it.

Kokoro: I see.

Kokoro: Maybe if she is actually faking it, she might have her own problems.

Tsurugi: Problems?

Yuki: Problems...?

Kiyoka: I-

Kokoro: Exactly, maybe she has something going on behind the scenes and she's trying to hide that fact from other people.

Akane: Huh....

Kiyoka: Well that's something...

Hibiki: Hm, so you're saying....she's depressed?

Yamato: Hibiki!

Hibiki: Yea?

Yamato: Don't go around making assumptions like that!

Hibiki: Alr, alr, sorry!

Hibiki: That's just a guess tho

Kokoro: Well, not exactly depressed, but she might be suffering somehow.

Yamato: Alright then, I'll take note of that.

Yamato: Thanks Kokoro!

Kokoro: Mhm, no problem.

Yuki: Well that was a serious era-

Kiyoka: That definitely was one serious era...

Akane: I'm hoping what Mitsume-chan theorized isn't actually true and Suzumiya-chan is actually alright....

Yuki: Well I'm hoping that's reality, but I'm not too sure about that

Kiyoka: I've had enough of being on the phone for today, gn y'all!

Akane: Good night Kiyoka-chan!

Kiyoka Is Now Offline.

Hibiki: Well I'll be off too, I'm gonna make my Mizuki and Ena nesos kiss each other before I go to bed, gn!

Yamato: Hibiki-

Yamato: Gn

Hibiki Is Now Offline.
Yamato can only stare at his phone as a few more messages pop up in the group chat. He quickly went offline without saying a single word, and put his phone on the nightstand.

He flopped himself onto the bed, staring at the ceiling, dumbfounded. He was silent. His mind can only focus on Kokoro's explanation on Airi's possible condition right now.

As the good underclassman that he is, he's definitely worried about that upperclassman of his. Her mental state could be down and she's possibly not in a good condition.

He sighed.

Yamato: "...."

Yamato: "I'm hoping she's alright."
Airi angsty hours go brrr

She won't really make an appearance here in this chatfic, but she (and some other ocs oof) will appear in the other fic that I mentioned earlier!

Ok I'mma continue my Mizuki brainrot bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now