Chapter 45: Time Flies By Fast

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I'm kinda bored

I'm just writing this with no idea on what to write whatsoever lmfao

Nonetheless I'll still write a chapter either way, for you, the reader's, sake! :)

Ok enjoy :)
Wednesday, 15 June 20XX
11:12 AM

Yuki: Hey, isn't class 77 graduating today?

Sora: Yeah, their graduation ceremony is basically today

Akane: Ah, so what will they do after that?

Sora: Well I think it's either just continue on in life, or enroll at Hope's Peak University

Akane: Oh wait

Akane: Hope's Peak has an university now?

Yuki: Oh! Sora's right!

Yuki: I think the college/university thingy is SUPER new, so class 77 could be the first people to attend it

Akane: Oooooo I see!

Yoruko: Wait, so after that, we'll be second years?

Tsurugi: Yes, that's correct, Kabuya.

Iroha: Woahhh......

Iroha: So basically, class 78 will be third years and we'll be second years

Iroha: Wow, time sure went by so fast....

Kiyoka: Haha, yeah

Kiyoka: And the next thing you know we'll be third years already!

Kanade: Huh

Kanade: Time sure does go by fast!

Teruya: too fast tbh

Satsuki: Wah!!! Satsuki's head is spinning from thinking about it!!!

Hibiki: Damn

Hibiki: It do be like that, huh?

Kanade: Mhm :v

Iroha: Same here, Satsuki, same here

Yamato: Haha!

Yamato: So, after us, there'll be a new class to take our place as first years, right?

Sora: Of course, Yamato

Sora: They'll probably be the 80th class of Hope's Peak

Iroha: Uwah!

Iroha: Hope's Peak is getting closer and closer to the 100th class!


Teruya: you do have a point iroha

Teruya: fuck

Teruya: idk how to process this tbh

Kobazing: me neither

Satsuki: Satsuki doesn't know how to process all of this either! Σ(゚Д゚;)

Hibiki: Holy shit I love that symbol LOL

Yamato: Tbh tbh

Yamato: I really can't wait until we meet class 80

Yamato: New friendos amirite????

Nikei: Were you supposed to type friends that way???

Yamato: Oh

Yamato: Yea lol

Nikei: Lmfao ok ok
Sora only looked at the messages that kept on popping up on her phone. She only sighed and smiled reading all of them.

Soon, class 79 will be second years, and then the next thing they know they'll be at their final year of high school.

It felt strange to think of it, but it's the truth. People grow up sometimes.

One day, this person who used to be such an immature person can grow up to become a more mature one. One day, this person who used to be so distant from others can grow up to become a more social person.

One day, people will change.

One day, people will grow up.

One day...

One day, people can be a better version of theirselves.

Thinking about it, Sora could only smile at that thought.

People will change, huh?

Either for the better, or for the worse.

It's up to them.

It's up to you if you want to change to become a better person or not.

I won't stop you.

I know.

This world is sad.

Filled with people who are either bad, or just probably punchable in the face.

But maybe one day...

They can change.

Not trying to justify any bad actions or anything! But...

Maybe, if there's a second chance for them out there.

It's up to them to take it or not.

I won't stop them.

And I won't stop you either.

I know it's hard right now.

But people can change.

I know it.

It's fine if you wanna be who you are, though!

I won't stop you!

If you don't wanna change, that's fine.

If you do wanna change, that's fine too!

I won't mind.

Just know that.

You're not alone in all of this.

People are struggling out there too.

People like you.


Eh, I don't know.

But I know.

We'll all find a bright end in the tunnel.

I just know it.

Just do your best, alright?

I believe in you.

Motivational shit???

But yeah, either way, if you're not ok, it's fine, I'm also not ok at times

People change ig lol

I changed a lot

What about you, hm?




Ganbatte kudasai-

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now