Chapter 32: Camping Trip! Yay! (Part 1)

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Hey cool ppl again mwah <3

Ok uhhhhh



Logic basically got thrown out of the window in this specific chapter oof



(Btw I don't have much experience when it comes to camping so I apologize if I messed up at something lol)
It was a cold morning on a lovely Monday (I guess it is lovely. Eh, I don't know.), and after a stressful Sunday stressing about grades (in which they got it on that Sunday, which is strange, but this is fiction so nobody cares I guess), the school decided to have the students go on a camping trip for a whole week.

The students of class 79 (well some of them, at least) were definitely excited for this, especially with the fact that they needed some fresh air anyway. They all got ready with their stuff in their respective dorms.

But there was one problem...
DMs Between Kiyoka And Kizuna
Monday, 6 June 20XX
06:30 AM

Kizuna Missed 3 Calls From Kiyoka.

Kiyoka: Kizuna???

Kiyoka: Hello??

Kiyoka: Why aren't you answering my calls?

Kiyoka: Did you fall asleep...?
06:35 AM

Kizuna: omg kiyoka im so sorry!!!

Kizuna: i forgot to bring my phone for a moment so i had to go get it

Kizuna: the amount of calls i missed from u sure is concerning huh?

Kiyoka: Ooooo

Kiyoka: No no! It's fine!

Kiyoka: Just hurry up ok? :)

Kizuna: ok ok!
——————————————————! Right, um...

After a little bit of waiting, Kizuna finally came running outside the front gate of the school, where a few busses were outside. Some students were outside, trying to find the bus they're supposed to be in.

???: "Ugh....Hey Yamada?"

???: "Hm?"

???: "Is this the bus we're supposed to be in?"

???: "Hmm....Yeah! It is! Let's go in! Finally!!"

Kizuna could see two boys going into a bus that's labeled with 'Class 78 C'. And just then, she saw Kiyoka, looking around, until she suddenly spotted Kizuna too.

Kiyoka: "Ah! Kizuna!" *Waving her hand*

Kizuna: "Kiyoka, hey girl!!!"

Kiyoka: "So, now that you're here, let's find the bus that we're supposed to be in."

Kizuna: "Alright then. Let's go."

They did some searching, however, not even a minute and they already found it.

Kiyoka: "Oh! There it is!"

Kizuna: "Finally! Let's go in already!"

They both then walked into the bus that's labeled 'Class 79 A'.
Once the two girls were inside the bus, they started finding a seat they can take. Luckily enough, they found a two person seat and sat on it.

Meanwhile, Yamato was proudly showing Tsurugi something he made.

Tsurugi: "So....You made this robot dog thing?"

Yamato: "Yeah! It'll keep me company if I feel lonely, haha!"

Tsurugi: "Hm, I see."

Tsurugi: "Though, if you feel lonely at times, you can just message me, I wouldn't mind suddenly getting text messages from you out of the blue."

Yamato: "Haha! Alright!"

Yamato: "....Ah! By the way! This little fella can fly with this remote control here!"

Tsurugi: ".......What?"

Teruya, Haru, and Satsuki were just chilling in their seats. Satsuki was looking at the window.

Satsuki: "Ooooh! A lot of people are coming to this camping trip!"

Haru: "Well of course they would! Camping trips are just, cool! That's the gist of it!"

Teruya: "Uh-huh! Camping trips are fun!"

Satsuki: "Hehe~! Satsuki definitely knows that!"

The three continued talking about random stuff, while Akane just looked out to the window. She seems like she was waiting for someone.

Suddenly, someone took a seat beside her. She noticed this, and turned her attention to them.

Turns out it was Ayame.

Akane: "Ah, Ayame-chan! Hi!"

Ayame: "Hi to you too, Akane."

Akane: "What took you so long on coming here?"

Ayame: "Well I guess you could say I left something behind in my dorm by accident, haha..."

Akane: "Oh? Haha! I see."

Akane: "Well at least you're here now! That's what matters!"

Ayame: "....." *Smiles* "Haha, thank you, Akane, I'm glad you're here with me too."

Akane: "Hehe~!"
Uhhj part 2 will come soon I swear

Ok bye for now :)

(And stan the wlw ✨✨✨✨)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now