Chapter 8: The Day Of Festives And Gayness

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It was Tuesday, it was the day of the school festival.

Hope's Peak Academy's hallways were jam-packed (is that how u type it wtf) full of people. In the school gym, there were several seats all around it, other than the backstage of the stage and the stage itself.

In the backstage, the students of class 79 A, B, and C are getting ready for their play. They were determined to do their best. As expected, they were filled with hope.

In one area in the backstage, Sora notices Kanata looking more determined than ever. She decided to see what was up with the surgeon.

Sora, walking up to Kanata: "Kanata, are you ready for the play?"

Kanata, with some strange aura behind her: "Yeah....Yeah! I am ready, Ms. Sora! I am ready!"

Sora: "Ah?! Kanata?! You're a little bit too ready..." *Chuckle*

Mikado: "I gave her a drink that'll help her feel determined, it was sprinkled with a bit of my magic however~"

Himiko: "And I helped him, nyeh."

Mikado: "Yes, mhm, precisely."

Sora: "A-ah....I see...."

In another area of the backstage, Yamato and Tsurugi—well mostly Yamato—encouraged Yuki and reassured him that things will go great during the play.

Yamato: "You'll do good! No, great! No, perfect during the play! I just know it! Isn't that right, Tsurugi?!"

Tsurugi: "Yes, I'm sure you'll do amazing out there, Maeda."

Yuki: "Thanks Kisaragi and Kinjo! I'll do my best!"

Yoruko: "Yuki!"

Sora: "Hey Yuki."

Tsurugi: "Ah, Sora? I thought you were with Inori."

Sora: "I was done talking to her, and Mikado and Himiko."

Tsurugi: "Hm, I see."

Yamato: "C'mon Yoruko, Sora! Make Yuki feel like he can do well during the play! Y'all are his new girlfriends afterall~!"

Yoruko: "H-huh?! Hey! I know! Y-you don't need to remind me...."

Sora: "Ahaha, of course we will. Hey Yuki, do your absolute best okay? Me and Yoruko will both cheer you on." *Smiles SDKDKEMDKRKF*

Yoruko: "Ahem....Y-yeah! Do your best! I'm sure you'll do well out there onstage."

Yuki, blushing: "A-ah....T-thank you, girls!"

Yamato looked at them happily, until he turned to Tsurugi, who only looked away with a frown. Yamato's smile quickly fades. He then patted Tsurugi's shoulder.

Yamato: "Hey, it's okay..."

Tsurugi: "...." *Sigh* "I'll try my best to move on..."

Syobai, near the curtains: "Huh, would ya look at that..."

Teruya, walking to his side: "Yo! So many people came!"

Tsumugi: "Eh?! Really?! That's amazing!"
Tsumugi: "This play will definitely go smoothly! Don't be too nervous everyone! You all can do this!"
Tsumugi, whispering to herself: "I hope I can do the narrating right too."
Tsumugi, checking the time: "Hmm....Ah! Everyone, everyone! It's almost time! Get ready!"

They all got ready, and finally, they went to position, and then...

...The Curtain Rises.
The play went perfectly, and then it ended perfectly too.

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now