Intermission 3: I Once Found A Manga

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Told in Yamato's POV WOAH

Ok enjoy :)
I remember that one time when I found a manga on the ground while I was walking around the hallways at Hope's Peak Academy.

It.....wasn't an ordinary manga, though.


It was a Girl's Love manga...!

A yuri manga...!

A manga where girls....kiss girls!

Where sapphics--Oh who am I kidding?! I know this! People know that too, right?!

Either way, it was on the floor when I found it. The book isn't opened so I only saw the manga was well drawned, not gonna lie.

I didn't know why it's there, or who owns it, so I took it with me.

That time, I wanted to go to the library. It's like a routine for me to visit the library every Monday, to be honest. After I picked the manga up, I just walked to the library like normal.

Once I got there, I didn't read any book that's there, but instead I read the manga for myself.

There was a lot of gayness....and girls kissing.....and se--Wait! No! Don't say that! Shit!

After awhile, I almost reached the end of the manga. It was so.....beautiful, where girls.......confess their feeling for each other....when the sun is setting....under the cherry blossom tree....with a lot of tears and crying......It was beautiful...!

But then! But then, suddenly, someone interrupted me. They walked up to me and snatched it from me! What the fuck?!

I was gonna protest until I saw who it is.


It was...

One of my upperclassmen.

Miyuki Watanabe, the Ultimate Fashion Designer.

She looked like she was panicking. Could it be her's?

I asked, "Miyuki? Is that manga yours?!". I was shocked! Of course I would be! Why wouldn't be?!

"U-uh....Yeah.....? Ugh....Sorry you had to read that...!" She answered. "Damn, you read that?! That was.....amazing!" I said. I was telling the truth! It was awesome!

"Eh?! Really?! You....won't hate me after you found out I read....this?" She asked nervously. "Yeah!" I nodded.

"Haha! Thanks. Y'know what, you can borrow this for the meantime. You seemed like you were almost ending it." When I heard Miyuki say that, I was so happy. I finally get to finish where I left off!

I took the manga from her and thanked her. I then quickly finished the manga.

I once found a manga. Not any manga. A yuri manga, and it belonged to Miyuki.
Another oc makes an appearance in this chatfic holy shit?! 😳

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now