Chapter 70: Nighttime

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Timeskip to March 17th bc i'm an impatient little fuck

Uhhhh yeahh

Ok enjoy :)
Poggy pog pog
Friday, 17 Mar 20XX
10:00 PM

Yuki: Is anyone asleep yet...?

Kanade: huh?? yuki??

Yuki: Oh, you're not asleep yet, huh, Kanade...

Kanade: ig no

Kanade: i just suddenly woke up from my sleep and decided to go on here until i feel sleepy again

Kanade: anw how about you?

Yuki: Well i couldn't sleep

Yuki: So maybe texting someone wouldn't hurt

Kanade: ouch

Kanade: well wanna bring this convo to dms instead?

Yuki: Sure, thanks for wanting to talk to me Kanade

Kanade: np :)

I wanna write MULTIPLE chapters today!!!

Les go!!!

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now