Intermission 12: A Time Alone

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Fyi, sadly, the non-despair au's story will end after class 79 graduates, so yeah.

HOWEVER, even if the story will end in the fic, it won't end here yet! Until this book reaches the limit of chapters in wattpad, the story of the chatfic will still go on.

After it ends here, i'll make a new chatfic that takes place in a different non-despair au than this one. Time will go slow there, and no time skips will be involved lol.

That's all i could say! God, never thought that the story for this au will end soon.

It's sad thinking about it, but it won't end here for us yet! So let's use the time we have now at it's fullest! ^^

Ok enjoy :)
Anju had already left the rooftop, and nobody else was there, meaning that Yamato and Tsurugi are alone.

It was just the two of them as they stared at the sunset. Just the two them....that thought made Yamato feel rather nervous.

"Haha, it's just the two of us, isn't it...?" Yamato asked Tsurugi nervously, grabbing the police officer's attention.

"Well I guess so." Tsurugi responded, unfazed. "Hmph..." Yamato mumbled(?).

The atmosphere was....anxiously nice, to Yamato. It felt like stealing a kiss from the police officer right now would be nice.....wait. The fuck?

"Wait-! No...! Yamato not now..!" Yamato thought to himself in a panic. "Are you okay, Kisaragi?" Tsurugi asked, snapping Yamato out of his thoughts. "O-oh-! Yeah! I'm fine! Don't worry~! Haha...!" Yamato responded.

"*Sigh* That's a lie. I know it. Look at your face. It's all red." Tsurugi said worriedly. "E-eh...?" Yamato muttered. "Ugh...It's nothing, I swear."

"Nope. Tell me what's wrong now. I wanna know." Tsurugi demanded, crossing his arms. A sigh escaped Yamato's mouth before he nodded. "Fine...The thing is..." Yamato started, trailing off a bit.

Silence filled the air between them. It was anxiously quiet. Yamato felt even more nervous--no, anxious than before now. "U-um...The thing is..." He continued.


"...Ugh, fuck it!" He shouted, walking closer to Tsurugi, catching the police officer off guard. "E-eh-" Tsurugi said, before getting cut off by Yamato's...lips on his?!

Oh boy! This is something!
Anju ran up the stairs to the rooftop in a panic. She forgot her bag up there, so she's gonna have to go back up there and get it.

She eventually made it up there. She was about to make another step until she saw...


Yamato and Tsurugi kissing.

Like...kissing each other on the lips, I guess.

Anju's eyes widen in surprise, before she calmed down and shrugged. She decided to find a place to hide until they left.

At least she respects other people's privacy, I guess.
Yamarugi for the ppl who NEED it lol

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now