Chapter 71: Huh?

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Ok enjoy :)
Poggy pog pog
Saturday, 18 Mar 20XX
02:03 PM

Kizuna: hey guys

Kiyoka: Oh, yeah?

Kizuna: did yall heard abt the fight that broke out earlier this morning?

Tsurugi: Ah, that fight, right.

Tsurugi: I tried stopping the fight, but it didn't work somehow.

Sora: Wait, a fight really happened?

Kizuna: uh huh

Kizuna: it was more like an argument tho

Kizuna: but it got rlly heated up and shit

Kiyoka: Who were arguing? And about what?

Kizuna: if im not wrong it was between shoyo and inari

Kizuna: the two first years

Haru: yo????

Haru: i think i know abt shoyo and inari

Haru: these past few days theyre not on good terms

Kizuna: yikes

Tsurugi: You're not wrong, Tomori.

Tsurugi: They're the ones who were fighting.

Iroha: Eh??!! A fight happened?! Σ(゜゜)

Nikei: damn, i'd never thought a fight might happen in this school tbh

Nikei: but then again there was the incident with yamada and kotaro

Emma: Wait they had a fight too???

Nikei: mhm

Emma: Woah, i didn't even remember....

Kanata: Ah...that's bad...

Tsurugi: Thankfully after a few unsuccessful tries, I managed to make them stop fighting.

Haru: i wonder what happened that made them fight like that...

Nikei: if they actually fought for a stupid reason i'm literally gonna fucking chuckle


Sora: Let's just hope nothing like that happens again for now

Kiyoka: Yeah...
Shoyo and Inari are ocs fuck.....

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now