Intermission 6: Overworking, Maybe?

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"Nikei? You in there?" Emma called out from infront of Nikei's door. Lately, Nikei would look tired as hell and would fall asleep on certain occasions.

That made Hajime, Emma, and Iroha worried, so they went to check up on him late at night.

The time is now 10 PM, and that's when the three decided to get out of their dorm rooms to check up on Nikei. "Nikei, answer us." Hajime said, raising his voice a bit but not too loud so that he won't wake up the other students.

Iroha put an ear on the door. It's a tad bit muffled, but she can hear sounds coming from the journalist's dorm. Sounds of someone typing on their keyboard. It's already obvious that Nikei's staying up to work on another article again.

"I can hear him typing on his keyboard. His definitely up." Iroha told the other two. Hearing this, the boxer and the actress got concerned. Emma proceeds to knock on the door again.

"...Nikei. Please go to sleep. It's already late at night." Emma said, almost raising her voice a bit. After a moment of silence, they can finally hear a voice coming from inside.

"No! It's fine! I can go to sleep later! Just let me finish this article first!" Nikei's voice can be hears from the other side of the door. That response can only make the three Hope's Peak students' worry even more.

"Just please go to sleep...!" Iroha shouted a little through the door. A slight groan can be heard from the other side. "Yeah, soon!" That's the final thing that Nikei said before more rapid typing can be heard.

Hajime only sighed, giving up. "Let's try to convince him again tomorrow night, if he's gonna stay up again tomorrow." He suggested. The girls can only nod at the suggestion, and then they walked away from the door.

They were still worried, though, and they're not gonna give up until Nikei has a proper sleeping schedule.
Nikei no

Ok bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now