Chapter 5: For The School Festival?

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Ok first off, before y'all are confused and shit-

This non-despair AU has the characters from the canon games bc I can lol

SDR2 are class 77 (mentioned in one chapter as a minor part of said chapter by Akane, y'know, where she mentioned Chiaki as 'Class 77 rep'-)
DR1 are class 78
And then there's DRA and SDRA2 in class 79 divided by two classes.
Or is it only two classes?
Yea uh no not just two, three actually, if that is possible
Idk if that's possible or not but tbh this is fiction and idc lol
The third class for class 79 is basically just DRV3 lmao

Ok hope y'all understand-

Let's begin now!

Finn: "You won't get away now."

Sir Andrew: "Ah, Mr. Finn, how did you get here?"

Finn: "Well, I'd like to stop you for your absolutely unfair ways of ruling this kingdom."

Sir Andrew: "'Unfair ways of ruling this kingdom' you say? Fufu, my oh my, you are a stupid one, aren't you?"

Finn: "Shut up." *Pulls out knife* "You're days of 'ruling' this kingdom ends here. Right here, right now."

Sir Andrew: "Wait a second, what?! Where did you get that knife?!"

Finn: "I managed to sneak into the kitchen, none of your servants are smart enough to spot me."
Finn: "Haha, even your servants are dumb....Especially you~"

Sir Andrew: "H-how dare you call me dumb! I-I will not let you kill me off that easily!"

Finn: "Oh shut up, Sir Andrew. Say goodbye to your precious kingdom forever~" *Runs up to Sir Andrew and stabs him*

Mikado: "OOF!"

Tsumugi: "I-I- uh-"

Akane: "Maeda-kun...!"

Kaede: "Woah! Yuki! You have great acting skills actually!"

Yuki, carrying a ruler: "E-eh? You really think so, Akamatsu-?"

It was a nice day at Hope's Peak Academy. Class 79 has no classes for today since the teachers are off for now. No assignments were given, other than rehearsing for a school play that will be performed during the school festival next week.

Yuki and Mikado just finished rehearsing the second last scene of the play.

Mikado: "Hm, I must say you have....'decent' acting skills, Yuki Maeda."

Yuki: "H-hey....What's will all of these sayings being shoved into my face so suddenly...?"

Yamato: "Haha! We're not shoving it into your face, silly!"
Yamato: "But to be honest, Kaede and Mikado are right, you're acting skills are! Amazing!"

Emma: "I wasn't expecting you to be this good at being in depth with the character you're playing as! Why didn't they scout you as the Ultimate Actor instead?"

Yuki: *Sigh* "M-Magorobi...I'm not a popular actor....that's why..."

Emma: "A-ah, right, haha-! I forgot about that..."

Tsurugi: "I...."

Yamato: "...Hm? Oh! Tsuru, Tsuru! What'd you think of Yuki's acting skills? Did you think he did great? Did you think he looked pretty hot while playing Finn~?"

Tsurugi: "W-what?!" *Tries to slap Yamato but kinda fails* "No! I don't think of him like that, Kisaragi..."

Yamato: "A-ack-! Okay, okay, sorry!"

Akane: "Oh? Ahaha...."

Kokichi: "Well, he did decent, I guess."

Shuichi: "Yeah, he did great. I wished I was good at acting at least..."

Kokichi: "Well I think you're still a decent actor anyway~"

Kaede: "Cheer up, Shuichi! You're acting skills are already great! Perfect for the play! Isn't that right, Kaito? Maki?"

Kaito: "Yeah! Now that's my sidekick!"

Maki: "Mhm, I think he did great during today's rehearsals."

Shuichi, just blushing aw: "W-what? Y-you guys..."

Tsumugi: "Okay enough everyone! Tsurugi!"

Tsurugi: "Ah-! Y-yes-?"

Yuki: "You spaced out, didn't you?"

Tsurugi: "Um...Forget about that..."
Tsurugi: "My part, right Shirogane?"

Tsumugi: "Precisely! Now c'mon! Hibiki! Kanade! Setsuka! Come over here! This part features you guys!"

Hibiki: "Okay!"

Kanade: "Okay."

Setsuka: "Alright. Let's go."
Thursday, 12 May 20XX
08:11 PM

Yuki: Everyone did great today!!

Sora: I could agree with Yuki, everyone did amazing.

Akane: Yeah!! Let's do our best!
Akane: I hope class 79 C are gonna do their best too! Bc we'll need it

Yamato: I still can't forget when Tsurugi just keeps on spacing out for the rest of rehearsals after seeing Yuki's acting lmao

Tsurugi: Oh shut up....

Hibiki: Haha! What a simp >:)

Tsurugi: I swear to god I'm not a simp.

Hibiki: Yeah sure

Yamato: Keep denying

Yuki: I still don't get why ppl find my acting skills cool-

Akane: It just is okay?????

Yoruko: Yeah, it's cool ig

Sora: Mhm, it's amazing.


Emma: Well everyone should get some rest
Emma: There's still school tomorrow remember?

Teruya: fuck

Haruhiko: shit

Satsuki: Satsuki forgot
Satsuki: Teruya and Kobazing forgot too right??

Teruya: correct

Haruhiko: true

Teruya: fuck it! let's head to sleep already!

Tsurugi: Yeah, everyone should head to sleep.

Yuki: Alright then! Gn everyone!

Akane: Good night!
Oh wow

Would u look at that

Tsurugi being a simp

Maybe cool maybe not

Anyways, to summarize

DRAMATIC ACTING SEQUENCE IN THE START, it's revealed to just be Mikado and Yuki rehearsing for some fucking play lmfao, Tsurugi turns out to be a simp maybe, everyone praises Yuki for some reason, Tsurugi fucking spaces out, Hibiki and Yamato teases Tsunderugi in the chat, Emma tells everyone to fucking sleep already, and Yuki just being adorable to end the chapter <3

I love Yuki Maeda, you should too maybe. Not forcing you tho ig.

Ok enough bye for now :)

DRA/SDRA2 Chatfic Cuz I DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF THEM GODDAMNITWhere stories live. Discover now