Broken Part 1

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M was sleeping peacefully at her room but later she was soon disturbed by her alarm, it started to beep at 7:00.
M: ugh!
M groaned because she was still tired, she took her phone to turned off the alarm then went back to sleep.
T also woke up because of the alarm she also saw M turned it off then went to sleep T flew up to M to wake M up.
T: mari you need to get up it's time for school!
T said will shaking her a bit, M groaned again because she was still tired.
M: ugh 5 more minutes tikki...
M slept again and just ignored T for the past 45 mins.
T: mari come on, wake up already!
M didnt really hear her because she was fully asleep.
T was thinking of a plan to wake her up.
T: hmm oh! I have an idea!
T flies up to the miracle box to call the other kwamis for help.
T: hey kwamis can you guys help me wake up mari?
The kwamis agreed and T soon told them the plan. The plan was to splash water at M. The plan was all set the only thing that was left is to carry the container filled with water
Ss: tikki isn't there another way to wake master up?
T: sorry sass but we dont have time to think of another plan marinette si already for school!
Sass sighed
Ss: okay then.
The kwamis carried the container filled with water and splashed it on M's face.
As soon as the water splashed on M's face, she bolted up her bed.
M looks up and saw the kwamis holding a container that has a bit water left.
T: yes we did and there's no time to argue you're already late for school!
M hurriedly takes her phone from her bed to check what time is it she saw that it was already 7:45.
M quickly got ready for school she took 16 mins to get ready. When she was done she checked her phone again to check what time is it she saw that it was already 8:01.
M called T to go to her purse.
T flies inside her purse.
M runs downstairs. While she was running down stairs sabine saw her.
S: morning sweetie i made breakfast
M: morning mom sorry im in a hurry im already late!
M grabs an apple.
M: I'll just eat this!
M said in a hurry.
M: bye mom!
M runs out the door while eating the apple, she was running to school while eating the apple.
M: tikki what time is it?!
T checked M's phone.
T: its 8:05!
M: 8:05?! Im soo late!
When M was done eating the apple she threw it away in a nearby trash bin. She soon arrived 8:08 at her classroom.
M: i-im so sorry for being late Miss Bustier.
M said while panting she was looking down while panting.
M: I-
M looks up to see that Mb wasn't there
M: oh- phew!
M weakly walks up to her seat next to Al.
Al: girl what's your excuse now?
M: i overslept...
M said in a tired voice.
Al: you're lucky that miss bustier is late too.
M: yea..
M started to breath heavily while feeling pain in her chest.
M: thinking(ughh why cant i breath and why does my chest hurt so bad.)
Holds her chest.
Al noticed something wrong with M and got a bit worried.
Al: uhm is something wrong mari?
M: nothing wrong alya. Why do you asked though?
M looked at Al confused.
Al: well-
Al was interrupted. Mb entered the classroom.
Mb: good morning class!
Css: good morning miss bustier!
Mb smiled.
Mb: sorry for being late, there was a emergency meeting for the teachers, now that it's settled let us begin our new topic in history, turn your textbooks to page 102.
Mb soon started discussing their new lesson. While discussing, M started to feel pain in her chest again.
M: thinking (ugh not again.)
M started to cough a bit making it seek a bit of attention.
Mb soon heard her coughs making her stop discussing the class soon looked at their teacher in confusion, Mb started to walk toward M.
Mb: marinette is everything alright?
M: yes miss.
Clears her throat a bit.
Mb: are you sure? Your cough seems different from your other coughs when you're sick.
M: yes i'm okay miss bustier, i dont need you to worry that much it's just a cough.
Mb was worried because she knows that she was lying.
Mb: okay then just tell me if you feel anything bad okay?
Puts her hand on her forehead to check if she is sick or not, Mb felt that her forehead wasn't warm but she still thinks there is something wrong, she took of her hand from M's forehead and said.
Mb: well at least your temperature is normal, if you need anything just tell me okay?
M smiled at her teacher.
M: yes miss bustier!
Mb went back to the board and continued discussing their lesson
At the cafeteria M and Al was at a table just the two of them, M was just staring at her food, Al noticed that she wasn't eating.
Al: hey mari?
M looks up to look at alya
M: yes alya?
Al: aren't you going to eat?
M: well i'm not really in the mood to eat.
Al: why though? Did you eat a lot at home?
M: not really actually...
Al: what?
M: i actually didn't eat anything like at all, except for an apple-
She was interrupted by Al.
Some eyes were staring at them, but soon turn away except for two people.
N: woah dude what do you think is happening there with alya and mari?
He said while being confused.
A: i dont know either maybe we should ask them?
N: maybe we should eat with them instead
A: yea we should let's go then
They started to walk toward M and Al when they were there
A and N: hey guys.
M and Al: hey.
N: can we sit with you girls?
Al: of course you can!
A: okay thanks!
A: so why were you guys yelling?
A noticed that M hasn't touch her lunch.
A: oh and by the way why isn't mari eating?
Al: well it's kinda of connected to that situation.
A: what situation?
Al: the situation why i kinda yelled like 5 mins ago.
A: okay?
Al explained why M wasn't eating and the reason why she yelled.
A: oh but mari why don't want to eat though?
M was kinda annoyed because they kept on asking her questions.
M: ugh i just don't have an appetite today okay?
M said in a annoyed tone.
Al: mari we're just worried for you.
M: i said i'm fine.
M stands up.
Al: where are you going mari?
M just ignored her and went to the restroom. She went inside one of the restrooms and locked the door. T flew up to M.
T: mari are you sure you're okay...?
T said in a low tone.
M got annoyed again.
M: tikki please... Can you guys just stop asking questions please..?
M said in a bit of a annoyed tone.
T: okay then...
M sighed.
M: i'm so sorry tikki it's just that i felt so tired all day...
T: it's okay mari
M: thanks tikki...
M weakly smiles.
M: lets go back tikki class is about to start.
T: okay.
T went back to her purse. M walked out the restroom and went to the classroom because her class was already there. M sat down her seat next to Al.
Al: hey... Mari sorry making you mad at lunch today.
N: yea dudette sorry for annoying you
A: i am so sorry mari i hope this doesn't break our friendsh-
A was interrupted by M.
M: no no i am sorry i was in a bad mood, sorry for making you guys worried, i am fine see.
M smiles forcefully but wasn't really noticeable except for A
A: thinking(y is she forcing her self?)
Al: well at least you look more. happier than before.
Al smiles.
Their class soon started. While they were having class A was thinking about M all through class, thinking that why did M lie.
Outside the school A saw M was about to go home.
A: marinette wait!
A said while running to her
M heard someone called her, she turned around to see.
M: oh hey a-adrien.
M said stuttering.
A: hey mari.
A smiled.
A: i want to ask you a question and i want you to answer me honestly okay?
M: o-oh okay?
M was confused
A: so... mari why did you make a fake smile about what happened at class? Did you not forgive us for what. happend? Do you hate us? Did we do something wrong? Please tell me
M was surprised that A noticed that it was fake she didn't thought that he knew her that well.
M: a-adrien it's nothing like that, of course i forgive you, i dont hate you and you didn't do anything wrong, don't always think that you did something wrong!
A: then what's the real reason?

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